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Grand Jury Expenses

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Lansisg, May 30.- Prosecuting Attorney Gardner Tuesday presen ted a bilí of the expenses of the recent grand jury called at Masón to investígate the salaries fraud. to the state board of auditor for allowance. An iteinized bill of the expenses is as follows: Sheriff's fees, $791.81 jurora' fees, $966.10; witiuss fees, S884.28; room rent, $68; searching records, $1D; typewriting, $10; compensation of clerk, 30; total, $2.784.(39. If the board of state auditor, upon being presented with the claim shall refuse to allow it. the supreme court will be asked to issue a mandatnus to corupel the allowance of the claim. There is a law upon the statute books of the state, passed early in the '60s, requiring the state board of auditors to allow claims for the prosecution of state officers charged with crime. If the statute in question is not held to be a dead letter. Jnghatu county will be reiiabursed for the expenses of the grand jury.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News