A GRANO OFFER! EfDEE MME. A. RÜPPERT'S rif CE FACE BLEACH -frt. MME. A. RUPPERT rS,'-! TVik says: "lappreciatethüiact Ir'ïwwi'' Xai that there are many thoufsSKJoOBW sandsoíladioHintlieümted TpWBpf YlJf wf Y otates thatwouldlike totry - M ma myWorld-KenownedKACE v&JjSí 4I55 Vlí Bleach: but have been SgËfn " i) kept f rom dning so on ao!Ü9L W conntof price,whichis$2.00 SS perbottleorSbottlestaken jraHx" Hü tocetber. 6-00. In order ■sStM - ÉÊËt toat all of these mayhaTe ?agj3L K, anopportnnity.I will give ? ' to every caller, abKolutely -j ■ " free, a Biunple bottle, anrt fí{t, &. 26zin order tosupplythose out v--" ' " - "oteity,or inany partof the World, Iwillsend Itsafely packedin plainwrapper all charges prepaid, for 25 cents, sil ver or stamp." In everyeaseof iVccble, pimples, moth, sallownesslackheads.acneczemailineseough- neas, or any discoloration or diseaseof tbeskln and -wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) Facb Bleach removes absolutely. It does not cover up, as eosmetics do, but is a cure. Address M ADAME A. KtPPERT,(D,puO.) NO. 6 East I4th St., NEW YORK CITY. Patronize Home Trade and buy bhooivis at the Ann Arbor Broom Factory, S, J. BEARDSLEY. 28 Spring St. TBUCKi STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., Nortb Telephone 82. I)K. ü. M. FISHEK, VETER1NARY SÜRGECN M DENT1ST Gradúate ofODdirio V'eterhiary College. ] disensos of Domestioated Animáis Soientiflcally treated. Calis promptly attendid to day or night. OfHee. Robinson's Livcry, S. Fourili Ave., Aun Arbor Miel.. W. S. MOORE, ríTT'WT'TCl1 Work don m 'l fcJXiï" A. J.ZV X ■ forrns of modern estistry. Crown and Bridge work a spceialty atisí'action Guaranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 7 South Main Stest. ANN ARSDü, HICH,
Ann Arbor Argus
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