Sulphur Bitters
i' TRUTHSStCK. % 1 Forthose DEATHLY BILIOUS & SPELLS depend on Sulpkur }, ! ters; it never fails to cure. , ' ; DO YOU SUFFER vith that t tired and all-gone feeling? If so use & i Sulphur Bitters; it will cure you. raí í Don' t be without a 1 TRY 'f j tle. Y ou will not regret it I yt b í The lof a fair face is a ' Jf Secret I ful akin. Siüphur Bitters ff1 "",„ ' . . .. ïmakesboth. % 4 suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a p i bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never fails to cure. y 5 . Rb Are you CONSTIPATED? If so, t f Sulphur Bitters is justwhat you need i Poor, weak, and weary mothersl'J ÏSAISE PUNY, PlNDUNC children. L % Sulphur Bitters will make theni f á strong, hearty, and healthy. i Cleanse the yitiated blood when fc 4 yon see its ünpnrities bursting P Jthrongh the skin in I PIMOI „o "í 1 Eely on Sulphur HIMPLES, í ,. m Bitters and health BLOTCHES E P j Will íollow. I AND SORES, f ti . HIIIMI UI Hl .1.. g ' iTTÏ v VI Tr ""▼ m "P li NM ti v - Seni 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway fc Co Bostua, Mass.,f or best medical work published
Ann Arbor Argus
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