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, TOLEDO p. Ann_arboy_ l (} i NORTH MICHIGAN) q Jy RAILWAY. u - '-J ■ iKtfV'y"0?, Eoscoinnion Ui J]]] 1 UV, : '■ ''-"-"U-f. V JgBAYCITY ■ -:USKEGON sTÜt-fsAOlNAW H( TIME TABIIÏ IN EFFECT MAY : o, 1894. Trains Leave Atm Aihov. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. 7:25a. m. 12:15p. m, 11:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. m +9:16 a.m. [ t8:15p:m. TraIns run between Arm Arborand Toledo only. +Trains run Snnday only. W. H. BENNETT, K. S. GKEENWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Aïent. JcHRONIC DISEASESI PRIVATE DISEASES And Diseases of tho Skin. 25 yearscontinuous hospital and sanltarlum expertence. Thousands of happy, gnueful cures extending into evcry State in the Union. The confldence of the multitudeof anxious but sileiit Kuiler ers andoftheunliappy and discouraged victima of ignoran t and fraudulent pretenders is honcstlvS and oarnestly invited. A valnable treatlse on DISEASE8 OF A PRIVATE NATURE f u" Ad' dressor callón DR. O. J. K. HANNA, Jackson, Mich President Jackson City Board of Health We commend to the acquaintance and confldence of the afflicted public the high personal charanter and professional worth and work of Dr 0, . J. R. HANNA of this city. (Jackson, Mich.) $ Eey. B. B. Bigler, Pastor First Presby. Church-s AiiBtm Blair, e.x-Governor. James O'Donnell ( MemberofConRiess. Clarence H. Bennett, Mayor? S lïrastus Peck, Judge Circuit Court. V. L. Seaton ? Postnaster. E. II. Emerson, Banker. ■u-ol-aI0" DB. LABIDEU'S FBENCH FEMALE PILLS NF.VER FATL. Safe and sure. Used 30 years p,us:" s'icdí:ngAr1ssPennyro)'ai r Ty Dr. C.M.JENNISON,Bay City, Mich. 1 ELECTRIC TELEPHONE [r-[if Sokl outrigfat, no rent, no royalty. Ada[tM [e lj to City, Villne or Ootintry. Ñeeded in every hmaü home, fthop, Kt ore and office. Greatestconvenría Lenoe and bust Holler on earth, Tl O' ' -iïïllw nmk froin $5 to $30 por day. f i 'Ij .Li ■ One in a roeidenoe means a cale to 11 iho i 4 ' i-i neic}ibr-;. Fine instrument, no toys, work.4 Á ftnywhere, sny dïstance. Complete, reny for use when ehipped. i'un he put np by n J (jnever out of onïer, no rei'Vn , ; !■ Jiïtime. Vffliranted. A money pi r. 'S', ri'e 1 - W. P. Harrison & Co , Clerk 10, Cotumbus. O


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News