The Toledo Bicycle Works, Toledo, Ohio
FOUR YEARS ï" S"e ""V &. Tho " DAUNTLE5S " has tM facture Of hlffilelV eiinprÍAr irt auAt-v nnint rtf grade Wheels, and noc a complaint mprJ &l Superior in every pomt oL ex. ibout material or workmanship. %fcfi &&LJÏ&. cellence. Eveowheel is tuüf Vhat better rccomiocnd can a Comíl__-rtflrtP warranteu. EÉT MORGAN & pasyhavef '' IÉ WRIGHT TIRES are USed 00 BUY DIRECTFROM 1 - THE MANUFACTURER, ' SAVE ONE PROF1T- IT'S A BIG ONE. $125-1894 " DAUNTLESS," "SCORCHER," "ROADSTER," OR LADlES' flí C[ C WHEEL, DIRECT TO THE RIDER AT jj)UDl We are the First Coopaaj in tlia Fisld Wwo Sisyeks Is Riders at Factor? PricH.' % - , 9 toledo. ohio, Apra is, i854. Absolutelv the Best.-. . THE TÜLHDO BICYCLE CO.. Toledo. O. J Gentlemen - The "Daundess" Bicyele recentiy pumhised All drop forgings and EnLits!i from you is iving sausfaction in every respect. As a rider of somo steel tubing Bearing Strictly dtltyears' expenence, I fccljustifiedin saying thatthe ; Dauntlcss - is of Elegant designs. ThlS ÍS H n the front rank of high-grade Bicycles, and is certainly wonh much ooDortUnitv ne ver before offered the more money than you are asking for it. in comparison with other opponumtv newr Deioreoncieu "" machines of Standard make. Yours very truly, public. gl2o WHEELS l OR f 6a. A. }. SNELL. Sec. and Assc Mngr. The Pliny Watson Co. Write for Circulars.
Ann Arbor Argus
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