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Mrs. F. B. Crego, of Jackson, is visiting friends here. Mrs. J. R. Bach and Miss Birdie Dunster are in Detroit. Laverne Bassett, of Detroit, is visiting bis parents here. Mrs. Wm. Bischoff, of Logansjort, is visiting in the city. President AngelĂ­ returned yester day morning from an eastern trip. F. A. Bogle left on a business trip to San Antonio, Texas, Tuesday. Mrs. B. F. Schumacher went to Chelsea on Tuesday for a short visit. L. Gruner and son Leo spent Sunday in Lima visiting Mr. Gruner's aged father. Mrs. Julia Ziegler, of Battle Creek, is visiting her daughter, Mrs: Wm. L. Frank. Mrs. Dr. Gibbs, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., is visiting her cousin, Miss Lou Giles. J. Nelson Lewis has gone to Texas on a business trip and will be gone until the middle of next week. Miss Gertrude Rorison, of Ypsilanti, spent the first of the week as the eruest of Miss Nellie Ames. G. Frank Allmendinger and his aunt, Miss Elizabeth Allmendinger, left Saturday for a trip to Virginia. Congressman Gorman is at his home in Chelsea for a few days. He leaves for Washington again, Sunday. Dr. Lee Kapp, who left Ann Arbor in February, has located at Cripple Creek, Col., where he is practicing. Dr. C. B. Nancrede is at Washington this week attending the meeting of the American Medical Convention. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Worden, of San Francisco, Cal., are visiting Mr. Worden 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Worden. The engagement is announced of Miss Florence Tinker, of this city, and Mr. Archibald Mclndoe, dent '94, of Rhinelander, Wis. Mrs. Julius Ziegler, and her granddaughter, Miss Theckla Frank, left Wednesday evening for Hancock, U. P., to spend the summer months.