The Beauty of Niágara can never be described and :t has never been pictured so adequately and satisfactorily as in the splendid portfolio just issued by the Michigan Central, "The Niágara Falls Route." It contains fifteen large plates from the very best instantaneous photographs, which cannot be bought for as many dollars. All these can be bought for ten cents at the Michigan Central Ticket Office. 6f T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Bulletin. For the following meetings rates of one and one-third fair will be made: Camp meeting at Hackley Park July lflth to August 34th. Tickets to be sold July 18th to 2i8t inclusive, July 24th, 26th and 28th, August 2nd to 4th Inclusive, August ïth and flth, August 13th and 14th, Ausust!20th and 21st. Limited to return to August 25, 1894. Camp meeting at Haslett Park Julv 25th to August ÜUth. Tickets to be sold each Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday. Limited to return to September 17, 1894. For the Bay View and Chautauqua assembly at Bay View July Wth to Ausust 15th. Tickuts tobe sold July9th to 18th. Good goiug on these days only. Limited to return until August lBth. W. H. Bennett, G. P. A For the Bay View Camp Meeting and Chautauqua Assembly at Bay View, Mich., July ioth to August iSth, the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will make rates of one fare for the round trip, tickets for sale at all stations from July cith to iSth, limited to return until Aug. ióth. W. H. Bennett, General Passenger Agent. ChildrenCryfor Pitcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News