WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. L oí: SAI. E- A g-ooii road cart at62 B. WashP lngton St. GOOD PASTÜKB POR COWS. Enqulre ol W. H. Morton, Parkard street. FOR SALE- Ki ve acres on West Hurón street. Good house, harn, orchard. Beautiful location. Wil) sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Hurón street, Ann Arbór, Michigan. Ttí FOE SALE AND TO RENT.-Several gcod farms, farming lands and city property improved aud uniniproved, on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acre or five acre lots or all toiretlier. Long time, small payment, 6 per cent interest. .Tas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Buildiiv.', Detroit, Mich . PIANO TTJNING.- A. D. Brown, the wel] known piano tunor with C J.Whitney, wlll be in the city soon. Orders left at the Akgl'S office will receive his attention. ' PO RENT.- At No. 20 S. State Rt. A Hat of 1 six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. 28tf rpo itENT.- 1'urnislied house lieated witb 1 furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts. Room lS.Masonic Block. FOK 8ALE- Fullblooded Brown Leghorn Eggs. The Brown Leg-horns are the best layers. They are non-setters, and lay 2i u eg'-'s a year. 1 wilt sive a pediiíree, and Vá ugs tor for íl Cali at C. F. Weinuiaun, 7 Brown street. and 12 HUI street. 2S-6w New Furniture Store OF CAMP BROTHERS, DEALERS IN Fürijilüre anti Upho)sfcerii)g Fine Line of Furniture in New Designs. New Patterns in Bedroom Suites never 8 hom He re Bef ore Special attention to Fine Upliolsterj, and Eepairing of all kinds. 57 South Main Street. Edwakd Camp. Norman Camp. FOR SALE! My stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS and SEEDS; also, Store Property, 25-27 Detroit st. 5th ave., for Sale or Rent. Inquire at res., I DfipCOS? is o. 7 División st. i K. J nUUtnoi NEW FORAGE andOther Millet. Manitoba or Russian Millet Seed, per bu.. $2 00 American or common " " " .. 80 Germán or Golden 'J " " ..100 Hungarian Seed, per bu S110@125 Field Peas, No. 1, White, per bu 120 ' 2, " " ' 110 ' 1, Green " " 120 Seed Bnckwheat. Early Japanese (dioico), per bu $125 Early Sil ver Huil (enoice). per bu 125 Little Sil ver Gray, per bu 125 Common Black, per bu 1 00 ünondagoor Gypsum or Gray L;md Piaster bbl 150 Onondago in 5-bbl. lot, per bbi 1 25 Cotton bags 15c each, f. o. b. Toledo. Delivered on cars here. Early Seed Corn. Clark's Early Mastodon, Earlr Pride of the Narth, Clark's Early Butler, King of the Earliest, thoseare the Earliest Yellow Dent Corn in existence; also King Philip and other early l'lint cora, at $1.50 for single bushel, in 2 toó bushel lots ïl .25 per bushel. Sweet corn at $1.25 and $1.50 per bushel, Red Cob Bnsilag-e Corn $1.00 per bushel. Tb Henry Phillips Seed and Iznplement Co„ Toledo, Special Sale! The ladies attention is wanted durir.g the sale starting June 2d until June 3oth. I will sell trimmed hats and bonnets, valued frooi $ .00 to $7 50, from 50c uptojSj.oo. All Untrimmed Hats from 10c to$ioo. Leg horn Hats from 50c up to $2.oo,the very best quahty. Come early and select the best. Respectfully, Mrs.A. M. OTTO, 'Washington and Ith Ave. SherifFs Sale. tv-OTICE is hereby rlven that by virtue of a li writ of fleri facías, iesued out of the Circuit Court for the county ot' Washtenaw, in favor of Georse Devine, against the goods and chattels und real estáte of John Devine, in suid county, to me directed and delivered, I did on the thirty-first day of May, 1894, levy upon and take all the right, tltle and interest of saidJohn Devine, in and to the folio-win? described real estáte, situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Miohiian, viz . The south-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section number eifrht, in town one .south of range five cast; also the north-west quarter of t ie south-east quarter of said section number eiht in town number one soutta of range number five east, all in the township of Webster county of Washtenaw, State of Michi!an' Also, the following described piece of luna sitúate and in the village of Dexti-r in the townsbip of Scio, county ot Washtenaw Michigan, to-wlt : Lot number five (5) in' Mary J. Raywalt's addition to the village of Dexter Michigan, according to the recorded plat thcrcof. All of which 1 shall exposé foi sale :it public auftion or vendue, to the hifrliegt bidder, at the south door of the court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, that being the pluce of holding the Circuit Court lor said county of Washtunaw, on Saturday. the 21st day of July, A. D. 1SU4, at 10 o'clook in the forenoon of that day. nated thls Sist dayof May. A. D. 1894. MICHAEL BKENNEK, Sheriff. ,T. W. Bennett, Attorney for Plaintift'. LL PERSONS J:XPECTING ÏO LAY CEMENT SIDEWxVLKS, SHOULD SEE 7iï H. Richmond, 16 VOLLAND STREET. Dr. C. G. Darliug, Eeferences : . - J. T. Jacobs.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News