May Festival
■ Bargain Sale at the Iïusy Store of i SCHAIRER & MILLEN Our Eutire Stock of New Spring I CAPES I JACKETS 1-Q OPF. 1-Q Oi " "- The Latest Styles. Every garment made for this season's trade. The ñnest collection of High Class Novelties ever shown in Ann Arbor. 5 dozen Ladies' Print Wrappers. The latest cut, at 58c each. Children's Reefer Jackets in Navy and Red, sizes i to 12 years, at 98c each. íSctbHHMKí: Pnonoc HHHial Vil upco, ttSSKBíb J.X. i A C L PWEyWflg ss a yard. Mothers, we have a lot of Boys' Shirt Waists we are going to sell for 25c each. POïf ík lf$l PU 0 ?f"f ï "PUT Iead618 ï
Ann Arbor Argus
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