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They Have Come And Gone

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The fïfth annual convention of he Michigan Woman's Press club concluded its labors last night, havng been in session at Newberry ïall since Tuesday. The meeting )rought many of the brightest and est literary women of the state to his city, nearly all of wliom are directly connected with the daily or weekly press of the state. A gathering of this kind demonstrates iow rapidly the women are drifting nto channels which until a few years ago were closed to them. And :he familiarity with which they landled newspaper phrases and names showed the aptitude with which the women take hold of their comparatively new vocation. The association now has 6i active and ii honorary members, the attendance at the meeting being about one half the membership. The program as announced in last week's Argus was carried out with but few changes, the interchange of ideasand methods through papers proving valuable to the members. Miss Emma E. Bower entertained the guests at a pleasant reception Wednesday evening, Mrs. President Angelí on Thursday afternoon and the Alpha Phi sorority on Thursday evening. liusiness was transactea witn aispatch at the sessions. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: Miss Emma E. Bower, Ann Arbor, president; Mrs. Alice Bartlett, Detroit, ist vice-president; Mrs. Ada Iddings Gale, Albion, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Belle M. Perry, Charlotte, 3rd 'vice-president; Mrs. Kate E. VVard, Lansing, recording secretary; Miss Jennie Buell, Ann Arbor, corresponding secretary; Miss M. Gertrude Sprague, Traverse City, treasurer; executive board - Mrs. Martha E. Root, Bay City Mrs. M. E. C. Bates, Traverse City; Mrs. N. M. Ballard, Detroit.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News