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G 11. Williams is uu the sick list. Home sUiift bervies are iu the murket. Mi j. Bray aud sou are away on a visitiug tour. A. s. Hansan and Asa Whitehead are senously ili. Tuesday, June 5th, Nelson's World show wiil perform in Milan. Asa Whiteliead is setiously UI and his sou is liere fiom Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kouse entertained uests trom Saline, iSaturday. J. Lóckwood has purchased a new piano of Mr. 1'. Hobinson of Detroit. Mis. J. L. Marble is entertaining her uiother, Mrs. King, irom Fostona. Children's ilay will be observed iu all of the Milau churches nextSunday. Mrs. Frank Guy entertained guests from Moorevilie, Saturdav and Suuday. E. Blackmer will open new furniture rooms on E. Main atreet iu a few days. F. Ilill and Geo. Mlnto will open a clothing store at Uniou City in a lew days. T. Barnes, wife and son, oí Dundee, were the guests of II. Knight and wife, Sunday. Frank Day and wife, of Ypsilanti, were the guesls of Maurice Uay and wife, SundavFuller Dexter is putting a porch on the south and east sides of the Commercial Hotel. The Unitarian social at Gay's Opera House, Thursday evening, was a very enjoyable event. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sill and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sill and iainily visited frienda in Azalia Sunday. Mrs. Debenham is eutertainina; her rnother, Mrs. Walker, from New Yoik City, for a few weeks. Mrs. Geo. Milieu and sister, Miss Wetmore, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Whitmarsh for a few days. Geo. Bachmau and fauiily have moved to Jjundee, where lie has tfought an iiü-rest in a barber shop. The 15. X.r. U. social at the residence of Mrs. F. Ilills on West Mam St. friday evening was quite a success. Comniencement exercises of the Milan high school will be held the 12th oi' June. Only three graduates this year. Decoration day services were fine this year. The Ann Arbor Drum Corps were in atteudance and the program was exceediugly interesting. The day was showerj, just as all Decoration days have been ior several years. The baseball season opened on the 3Oth, in Milan, the Milan club playitig with the Lake Ridge boys. Mr. W. H. Whitmarsb opeued ihe game bv throwing the ball to the center amid an enthusiastic applause. Milau is quite f riendly to its baseball team. The score was 2 to 20 in favor of iiilan.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News