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Change Of Life

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Pe-ru-na is the favorke reraedy during Change of Life, as it not only palliates the disagreeable symptoms during the trying ordeal, but guards the system froni the many chronic ailments which are liable to set in. Pe-ru-na prompt 1 y relieves the nervousness, sleeplessness, throbbing, hemorrhage, rush of blood to the head, palpitation, indigestión, painful menstruation, leucorrhoea and faint spells, from which most of these patients suffer. It acts as a preventive against dropsy, heart disease, enlargement of the liver, and kidney diseases, which are so frequently acquired at this time. Mrs. Diley A. Masón, of White Wright, Texas, says in a letter to Dr. Hartman: "I was a sufferer from the (,'hange of Life. I thought I had everything, I thought I had heart trouble. I got six bottles of Pc rana and one of Man-a-lin and took theni. I am now sound and well. I improved immediately on taking Pe-ru-na, and am now as well as ever in my life." A fiee book devoted to chronic diseases sent by The Pe-ru-na Drug Maaufacturing Company, of Columbus, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News