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Líurt Man has gone to Aun Arbor to atteud court this week. Seed beans are in great request auiong the farmers here. Mr. Case, agent for a patent wire fence, is camping in this viciuity. Mr. aud Mis. Worthington, of Jacksoi, are visitiug their niece, Mis. R. C. Uleniu W. E Stevenson lost a secón d liorse last week with iiiílammation of the stom ach. Jiunker went to Munith, Saturday, and took his wheel along by his side to ride down hill on. Clover is badly killed by the weevil in Minto. Hay will not be likely to be a drug next winter. Corn is beiug planted now, though the soil is yet quite wet and cold. Early potatoes are hoed. An Epworth League has been organized here lately witli ovtrtwenty mem bers to start with. V. Pierce is president. Miss Matie Glenn made a trip to Unadüla, Tuesday evening last, and staid over night with her aunt, Marcha Webb. Fruit trees of all descriptions are loaded down with blossoms this spring. Look out for a scant erop of apple- wheu this occurs. Miss Lizzie Hibbard, of Highland Park, near Detroit, i.s here visiting her uncle, George Cook, and aunt, Mrs. Smith, tor a fevr days. spearing continúes on the lake here, althoiigli forbiddeu by tiie tish warden. Tue eii'eet is to keep ow neis off and allow tlie siipshod to do the spearing. The Epworth League held its anniversary meeting Sunday evening last. and had an extensive program. It was a proütiible and pleasing entertainment. Your scribe and wife went to Unadilla a week ago for a couple of days' visit with children there. The hail storm did quite a lot of damage there to giass aud newly siiorn sbeep mostly. Saturday last your scribe and wife attended the meeting of the Webster Farmers' club, held at the house of ilrs. Chamberlain. At noon a bountifnl supply of good things was served all the membersandguests, af ter which the men strolled out of doors and viewed the poultry, garden and orchard, while the ladies prinied up for the meeting, which was soon called to order by the president. Fortwo hours questions most important to the fanners„at this time of tlie year were discussed. Theu a little time was given to the discussion of the merits and demeiits of the Agricultural College. It was the feeling amoug speakers that if the college is not doing all it ought for the farmer, not to give it up, but to probe it on to its fullest amount of good. Altogether the meeting was a success. The next meeting will be held at William Ball's the first Saturday in June. The topic for that meeting is, "'Shall we have the Income TaxV:' Mr. Cooley Iteeves, of Dexter, will take the afflrmative, and Mr. Amos Phelps the negative, in the discussion. A lively time is expected, as usual.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News