Mrs. Betsy Crippen is very ill at the home of hei' son-in-law, Kobert Martin. Mrs. Edith Townsend is sick. Extensivo preparations are being made for closing day exercises of the school, two weeks lience. Arthur Covert 's bain is being raised. A. II. Covert is taking the census Ice cream and strawberries at the M. E. parsonage toniglit, by the Epworth league. Ten cents per dish. Mrs. R. Clements, of Wyandotte, is visiting frieuds here. Farmers are pleased at the past few pleasant days. They have been imjroving theru by getting iu the delayed corn erop. Mrs. Judson is visiting at Ann Ar301'. A subscription of $52.90 for benevolent purposes was quickly raised at the M. E. chiuch, Suüday mörning.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News