Dexter Township
i' Síoau ivas in Ann Árbor on Ftiday. Mr Pearcewas at North Lake, Saturday. Boni to Mr. and Mra. E. Hall, a giil, May 26. Mr. Sales entertained Iris chum last Sunday. Miss K. McC'abe has bfen visiting in Ypsilanti. Jobn Doocly entertained a friand on Sunday. Samuel Davis and wife spent Sunday at the lakes. Patrick Rabbit was at the county seat last week. John Iijey raised his new barn on Wednesday last. Frank Agin and sister visited in Ann Arbor last week. Miss Lottie Schrnid is spending the suramer in Saline. Messrs. W. and A. lïeïd weie in Ann Arbor on Saturday. FT. Fleming and Jockey were in Lyndon on Monday. E. Croarkin made a business trip to Ann Arbor reeently. Miss Cynthia Oarpenter entertaitied f riends on Saturday. Thos. lïeade, of Pinckney, was here on business, Monday. W. Smith and Miss French spent Saturday in Hamburg. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. Lutzer, a daughter, June 2, 1894. Mr. Donges and wife, of Scio, spent Sunday in tbis vicinity. Frank Krause, of Port Huron, spent Friday with his paren ts. E. Howard and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a son. Reider Bros. have purchased the lot owned by Frank Sheffold. Mr. Hamilton, of Saginaw, is here looking after his business. Wro. Carpenter and fannly visited in Pettysville last Sunday. Mrs. Bhides.of Ilarnburg. visitedher daughter one day last week. Mrs. O. A. Vaughn entertained her father the ürst of the week. Mrs. Frank Roberts, of Ypsilauti, is visiting her sister this week. T. Henry and wife spent Monday with his brother in Pinckney. Mr. Ilarlow, of Ypsilanti, was on our streets one day last week. Chas. Bell and family have taken up their residence in Ann Arbor. ffm. Gregory and wiLe spent Sunday with their friends at Foster's. Mis. T. Burns has opened an ice cream parlor at the old stand. John Schauffle had one of his flngers cutoff with a rip saw last week. Mrs. O. McClaine and friend visited in Manon Thursdayand Friday. F. B. Taylor, of Jackson. was a Sunday guest of his únele, A. Taylor. Misses Mattie Palmer and Flora Rostwick spent the Sabbath here. Olarènce Carpenter and family spent S:mday with relatives in Anderson. ï. Mains has been looking after old fnends in our village the past week. I,. D. Alley and wife spent last Saturday with her mother in Pinckney. A. Kearney and wife, of Ann Arbor, visited their Dexter friends, Friday. Miss Myrtella Reason and friend, of Pinckney, spent Sunday in this place. Wm. Cobb and family entertamed a number of their frieads the past week. Chas. Schoen and family entertained his parents f rom Bridgewater, Sunday. W. H. Newkirk, wife and daughter, Nellie, spent Sunday with her father. Mr. Waldron, of Jackson. spent urday and Sunday with bis daughter K. Strickle, of North Hamburg, visited bis many friends here on Tuesday. John Gallagher and wife entertained a number of their relatives over Sunday. Mrs. Rose, of Pinckney, lias been visitiug her daughter the past few days. Mrs. John Schieferstieu, of Chelsea, spent two days of last week with her sons. A. Taylor and daughter. Miss Mary. called on their Arm Arbor friends on Friday. Tom Clark and wife and daughter, Mary, of West Putnam, called here on Tuesday. Eev. Mr. Duff, of Ann Arbor, preached in St. James church last Sabbath. F. S. Alley and wife and Miss Clara Rosier spent Satarday at the University City. V. Crofoot, of Pinckney, shook hands with o!c! friends here one day last week. Fred Warner and wife spent several days of the past week with her sister in Howell. Edward Croarktn, of Missouri, is spending a few days at the lioiue of his brother. Mrs. Max Robins has been entertaining her father from Ypsilanti for a few days. Miss M. Barber and friend, of Livingston county, were the guests of friends last Sabbath. The Misses Anna Sherman and Marnie Sloan, of Jackson, speut the past week here. The Willing Workers societs met with Mrs. Samuel Newkirk last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Ileason and daughter and lady friend, of Pinckney, made us a visit the firat of the week. The social at Mr. Straith's last Wednesday night was largely attended. The nroceeds were $7.50. The Ladies Social Circle, of tho M. E. church. met at the home of Mrs. E. A. Xordman Wednesday af teruoon. Eosa d'Enna gave an entertainment at the opera house on Wednesday and Thursday eveniugs, which was well attended. The Y. S. CE., of the Webster Congregational cburch gave a Japanese social at the residence of Wm. Scadin Friday evening H. Shaw, who has been euiployed by the Dexter Millinery Co. the past two years, has purchased an interest in the iouring milis at Yernon. Miss Tessie Keid, of this place, was united in marriage to Mr. Jay Shehan, I of Hamburg, on Wednesday, June 6, at St. Joseph church. Dexter. Their many f rienda wish Hr. and Mrs, Sliehan much liappiness and prosperity through Ufe. They will remide at Hamburg.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News