Parsons' Trial Progressing
Saginaw, June 7. - The testimony in the Newell B. Parsons bond stealing case in the circuit court was but a repetition in the main of that given by the sume witnesse.- at the examination in Pólice Judge ytenipell's court some weeks ago, and which has already been published. The witnesses who took the stand were E. P. Stone. W. T. Knowl;on, A. W. Wright, Charles H. Davis, Conrad Wetlaufer, Herbert Aldrich, A. D. Charles, F. W. Packard, D. F. Dempsey and Miller Perry of this city, and Ueorge Headley, C. Denbero, E. H. Donnelly, Miss Marie Fallón and Fred W. Knight of Gt-rand Rapids. The tesimony of the Grand Rapids witnesses was given for the purpose of tracing ;he arrival of the bonds in that city at ,he store of Knight's employés aud what Knight did with them.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News