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Democratic State Convention

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The Demócrata of Michigan ■wil] meet in state convention in the city of Grand Rapids on the 28tli day of June, at 12 o'clock noon, for the pnrpose of nominatjng party candidatos for the following state offices : Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Seeretary of State, 8tate Treasurer, Auditor General, Attovney General, Commissioner of the State Land Offoe. Superintendent of Public. Instruction, Member of tlie State Board of Education, and also two candidates for United States Senators; for the selectlon of a State Central Committee to serve fortheensuingtwo years, and for the transactioa of such otner business as may properly come before it. According to the rule adopted by the Democratie State Convention, held in Detroit in 1880, and sinee followed, every county in the state is entitled to one delégate to the State Convention for each 500 votes cast for Governor at tlie last jjeneral election, and one addltlonal delégate for a fraction of not less t han 250 votes. But eacli county is entit'.ed to at least twodelegates. All delegates must te residents of the county they represent. The delegates from each eongressional district are requested to meet in oaucus on the day of the convention at ijuarters to be taereafter designated by the Central Committee and select candidates for recommendation to the convention as follows, lo-wit: Two memte of the 8tate Central Committee, one Vice-President of the Convention and one member for each of the following committees of the Convention : Credentials, Permanent Organization and Order of Business and Resolutions. It win facilítate the worklng of the Committee on Credentials if the Seeretary of each Couuty Convention will promptly forward to the headmiartersof the State Central Committee in Detroit immediately af ter the convention, a l'ull and accurate list of the delet-'atcs ehosen to the State Convention. Kenewinfr our allegiance to the cardinal priDciples of Democracy. we eordially invite all those who have voted i?i the past with the Pemocratie party, and all otnerswho are desiroue of asBOciatisg with it in the future, to particípate in the caucuses for the election of oelecates to this convention. DANIEL J. CAMPAÜ, FRANK II. HOSFORD, Chairman. Secretary. By H. G. COBURN, JB., Aeting Secretary. Waslitenaw County is entitled to 21 deleKStee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News