Democratic County Convention
The Ilemoerats of Washtenaw County will meet in County Convention, in the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on THURSDAY JUNE 21st, 1894, at 11 o'elock a. m., for the purposeoï eleetinjï twenty-one deletates to the State Convention to be held in Grand Rapids on June 2Sth, and for the puipose of selectinj; chairman and members of County Committue. Under this cali townships and wards are entitled todelegates as follows: Ann Arbor City- Pittsfield 6 First ward 11 Salem rt Second ward.... 10 Saline 9 Third ward 10 Scio. 10 Fourth ward 9 Sbaron 5 Fifth ward 4 Superior 6 Sixthward 7 Syfvan 13 Ann ArborTown... 7 Webster 6 Augusta 9 York 11 BridKewater Ypsilanti Town.... 7 Dexter 4 Ypsilanti City- Freedom ij First ward 8 Lima 5 Seeond ward... 6 Lodi 7 Third ward 7 Lyndon 4 Fourth 5 Manchester 12 Fifth 7 Northfleld 7 JAS. K. BACH, Chairman Gustave Brehm, Secretary,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News