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In appointingdelegates to the state conv...

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In appointingdelegates to the state convention, every section of the county should be given the representation to which it is entitled and no more. The cities should not be permitted to have more than their proportionate share. Justice and fairness should control in the matter. The sugar tax schedule has been passed by the senate. This was the feature of the new tariff bill on which the republicans gave the democrats to understand they would make their great fight. If now the republicans stand by their implied pledges, the county may look for the passage of the tariff bill within two weeks. It is to be hoped from the standpoint of every party and business interest that this will prove true. The greater the expedition in settling the tariff uncertainty the better. The democratie county committee met in the court house last Tuesday afternoon and decided on Thursday the 2ist inst. as the date fdr the meeting of the county convention. The cali, containing all needed information as to the time and place of meeting, the number of delegates to which each township and ward is entitled, appears elsewhere. Democrats should arouse themselves and see to it that a full list of delegates is appointed, delegates too who will be certain to attend the convention. The party has a hard fight before it, and the result will depend largely upon the vigor and spirit that is infused into the local organizations. It is highly important, therefore, that these preliminaries to the battle be carefully looked after.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News