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Their Thanks Expressed

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At a recent meeting of the W. C. T. U., the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, that the grateful appreciation of this Union be hereby extended to the citizens of Ann Arbor, who so hospitably opened their homes for the entertainment of delegates during the late convention; to Mayor Darling, the clergymen and others who spoke words of welcome or encouragement at the meetings; to Pres. AngelĂ­ for his courteous invitation to the University; to Prof. Stanley, Prof. Kempf, Messrs. Wilsey and Taylor and their musical associates who furnished delightful music; to the trustees of Presbyterian church for its use during convention; to the Ann Arbor Organ company for the fine piano furnished gratituously; to the press for donation of valuable space both in reporting and advertising convention; to the young men who assisted the reception committee; to the girls who acted as pages; and to all others who contributed in any way to make the convention a success, and a pleasant memory..


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News