CHRONIC DISEASEÍ3 PRIVATE DISEASES And Deseases of the Skin. 2i yearscontinuous hospital and fwuntarium experience. Thousands of happy, grateful cures extending intoevery State in the Union. The oonfideitce of the multitmleof anxiou.s Imt silc-nt sufferers, and of the unhappy and discouraged victima of iguorantand fraudulent pretenders is honestly and earnestly invíted. A valuable treatise on DISEASES OF A PK1VATE NATURE free. Addressor callón DK. O. J. R. HANNA, Jackson, Mich. President Jackson City Board of Health We commend to the acquaintance and confidence of the affiicted public the high personal character and professional worth and wort of Dr. 0. J. R. HANNA of this city. (Jackson, Mich.) Rev. B. B. Bigler, Pastor First Presby. Church. Austin Blair, ex-Governor. James O'DonnellA Member of Congreso. Clarence H. Bennett, Mayor.; )Erastus Peck, Judge Circuit Court. W. L. Seaton,c Poftmaster. R. H. Emerson, Bunker. EEPOET OP THE 00NDITI0N OF THE FARMERS' I MIAU' El -AT - A ARBOR, IHICHIGAN, At the close of business, Jnly 12, 1893. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $267,02329 Stocks. Bond anti Mortgages, etc. 87,T15 07 Overdrafts 3,63976 Dne from banka in reserve cities., 17,362 Sí Due from other banks and bankers, 2,069 50 Puefrom Washtenaw Co 1,315 14 Furniture andnxtures 2,000 00 Corrent expenses and taxes paid 25 60 Interest paid 3S738 Checksand cash items _._ 3,540 27 Nickels and pennies 21948 Sold coin 10,35000 Silver coin 1,983 20 ÍJ.S. anc National Bank NottS 13,568 00 Total $411,099 52 LIABIJ.ITIES. Capital etock puid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 20,000 0 TJnaivided proflts 5.7S6 08 Dividends unjaid 185 50 Individual deposits _ 99,979 02 Certificates of doposit 152,94859 6avini;s deposit-i 82,20033 Total. 411,0!9 52 STATE OF MICHIGAN, „ Counly of Vashtenaw, j " 1, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the above oarawl bank, do solemnly swear that the above tatoment is true to the best of tny knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier, Correct- Attest . Ambrose Krarkey, "I W.F.Breakey, -Directors. Edward Duffï, ) SubBCribed and sworn to hefore me this 19th day of July, 1S'J3. H. A. Williams, Notary Public. NEW FORACE and Other Millet. Manitobii or Kussian Millet Seed, per bu.. 12 00 American or common " " " .. 80 Germán or Golden " " " . . 1 00 Hungiirian Seed, per ba $110 125 Field Peas, No. 1, White, per hu.: 120 " 2, " ' " 110 " 1, Green " " 1 20 Seed Btickwheat. Early Japaneee (choice), perbu $ 1 25 Early Silver Huil (choicei, per bu 1 25 Little Silver Gra y, per bu 1 25 Common Black, per bu 1 00 Onondago or Gypsum or Gray Land Piaster 'f bbl 150 Onondago in 5-bbl. lots, per bbl 1 25 Cotton baurs 15c each, f. o. b. Toledo. Delivered on cars here. Early Seed Cora. l'Iark' F.arly Mastodon, Early Pride of ilie North, Clark's Early Butler, King of the Earliest, those are the Earliest Yellow Dent Corn in e.xistenfe: also Kinü Philip and other early Flint corn, at $1.50 for single bushei, in 2 toó bushei lots 81.25 per bushel. Sweet corn at 1.25 and 11.50 per bushel, Red Cob Ensilare Corn U1.00 per bushel. The Henry Phillips Seed and kplesent Co„ Toledo, Ohio. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, iKtnt 'or the following Klrt Clais Companics representing over twenty-eipht Million Dollars Asaets, issues policies at thelowetrates jEtna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 liOndonAssurance,Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phents,N.Y 3,759,036.00 4VSpeclal attentlon given to the lmnranee of ■welllngs, schools, churchoe and public building! Í lermi oí toree and Ure yean
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News