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pil msÊÊM ÏÏEÊËÊU;A year's subscription to Scribner's Magazine will bring into your home twelve monthly numbers, aggregating over 1,500 pages of the best and most interesting reading, and more than 700 beautiful illustrations. Annouucements. Geortre W. Cable will begin in the Januannumber a romance entitlcd "John Marcli, Southerner." Two other important seriáis have been engaged: J. M. Barrie, author of the famona "Little Minister," has written a new nove!, the flrst since that íamous story. George Meredith, the great English novelist, lias in preparation a novel entitled '-The AroaziDg Marriage." SHOBT STORIES will be abundant W. D. Howells, Miss Elliot, W. H. Bishop, Ludovic Haleyy, Paul Bourget, Joel Chandler Harris and many new writcrwill contribute. STUDIES OP AMERICAN LIFE will bean important feature, inrludingNewport, Bar Harbor, Lenox, etc, and the West. THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be even moro numerous and beautiful than ever. A series of Frontispieees chosen hy Philip Gilbert Hamerton will be espeolally notable. SPFHIAI npFFR The numbers OrCOIHL Urrtn. for i893,and a subscription for 1894, - 84.50 The same, -wlth back numbers bound in cloth, - - - - 6.00 Complete Prospectus sent on request. Sample Copy 10 Cents. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, New York.


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