The Thacker Case
Benzonia, June รณ.- Tlu-re is nolonerer any doubt that poison, and a large quantity of it. has beau iound in Mrs. Thacker's stotnacb by the cheaiieal anaiysis. This was intended to be kept secret, but it leaked out by the best authority. Professor Gomberg bas arrived and will ive his testiinony at the inquest, without doubt confirtrung the above statement. Mr. Thacker appears to be inore broken in spirits than at first, and it is said is losing both appetite and sleep. The father and brother of Thacker's housekeeper drove in from their house. 12 miles southwest of here. to induce the girl to accompany thetn home. She, however, absolutely refused to leave Thacker and they were compelled to return wtthout her. The father was so broken up by his daughter's behavior that he could not eat any dinner and her brother was very angry. He is reported to have said "that the girl oueht to be whipped out of town. The excitement is very high here, and startlins: disclosures are expected which will stir this quiet little burg from center to circumference.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News