Bitten By A Dog
Detroit, June 5.- Ralpb Finehart-, the 12-year-old son of Schoo! Inspector Joseph K. Finehart, was bitten by a large dog owned by Bernard Youngblood. grocer, at 620 Gratiot avenue. The lad was playing wuii soine other boys on the sidewalk on the weat side of the city hall, and while passing the grocer's wagon the dog reached out and fastened his fangs in theboy'sforehead. Ralph rau into the basement of the city hall. The wound bied freely, gtaining his face and clothes. He was taken to a drug store where the wound was dressed. Mr. Finehart afterwards had it cauterized by a physician. Tha dog left two deep, clean out wounds in nis forehead.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News