The Alma Sanitarium
Very few physicians in Detroit are as enthusiastic on the art of sanitation as Dr. Shurly. The doctor believes that not alone should physicians take more interest in this important question, but the public should also consider it. The doctor is a Standard authority on many medical subjects, and his ability as a scientific reasoner has found many admirers in the United States and Europe. "I have been very much impressed with the success which the treatment of chronic diseases, both nervous and physical, has met with recently in different parts of the country," the doctor observed yesterday. "Michigan is not behind any state in the Union in this important matter. Some of the brainiest men connected with the hospital corps of the nation are right here in this state, and they are making noteworthy progress in different lines of the profession. But my attention has been called recently to the work of Dr. Pettijohn, of the Alma Sanitarium, which has grown to be a very important medical institution of Michigan. The doctor I know to be a very estimable and able physician, and he is assisted by a corps of first-class practitioners. Dr. Pettijohn stands well with the profession, and he is making an elegant record with chronic diseases. "The Alma Sanitarium is a reputable institution, with all the requirements of a first-class hospital and the cheerful comforts of a home. It is really more of a home than a hospital. People who are sent there seem to be highly pleased, not alone with the location, but the courteous attention accorded them. I have recommended the Sanitarium to many patients suffering from light chronic troubles, and have returned invariably cured, and those whose cases were found incurable were much relieved by their stay. There are excellent mineral springs at the Sanitarium, and their waters are considered as fine as the best in the country. "The Alma Bromide Water contains 19,242 grains of mineral to the gallon, being the strongest bromide water in the world, and comes from a depth of 2,853 feet. Its efficacy has been demonstrated by physicians who have used it in baths and fomentations, properly diluted, at any temperature, producing tonic, stimulant, alterative or resolvent effects in nervous diseases, skin diseases, catarrhal troubles and rheumatism. "The Park Mineral Spring is a mild muriated water, similar to the famous Schwalbach of Germany. It contains six grains of ferric carbonate to the gallon and is a delightful iron tonic as well as a diuretic. The value of this water is demonstrated in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. "The building is magnificently equipped. Electricity is scientifically applied; there are massage and manual Swedish movements, while physical culture and training are provided. The Rest cure is scientifically applied. Altogether it is a delightful place, with an institution so equipped that the patient may combine recreation with health-seeking. I expect to run up there soon. It is worthy of a visit, as Alma is really a charming resort and its climate is most salubrious." -Detroit Evening News
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