Plao's Iïcmedy for CatArrh 18 the ■ Best, Easleat to TTse, and Clicapest. I Sold by Druggista or sent by mail. ( ■I 50c. L. T. Hazeltiue, Warren, Pa. BUSINESS ÖIKECTORY. Q A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Disea8e8 of the EYE, EAK, NOSE and THKOAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streete. ieeidence, H S. State Street. Residenee telejhone. No. l-8. Office teleplione No. 134. Hours: IO a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. ELIHTJ B. POU"D. JUSTTCK OF THE PEACE Vnd Notary Public Conveyancing done and íKAL ESTÁTE boupht and si!d on oommiRlion. Patronage solieiteJ . No. 6 N. Main St. ATTORNEYS. P B. N0KR1S Attokney at Law. Doos a ireneral lawcollectionüud conveyancüg business. A moderate ghare of youroat ■-ia re resDei-tfnUy solicitad. Office, 16 E Iuron Street, upstairs. P K. WILLIAMS, ittornsT at Lav and Pension Claim At', MILAN. MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. DENTISTS. y; W. NICH0LS D. D., DENTIST. lu the oíd St. .James Hotel Bloot. Teeth extracted wttbüut phiq uy the use oí 'ltalized air. C.NICHOLS. DENTIST Líate of Nichols Bro9. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main Street. ■wim:. herz, no.4 w. washington st. House, Sicm, Onauenal aso Fresco Paintsr, iri idilio, calciminintí. (rlazmg and paper nang lag. Allworkis done in the best stylf iind warranted to eive satisfaction. HAVING REMOVED MY SHOP - - TO KRAPF'S PLANING MILL lam Qow bettrr prepared tlmn ever before to do all work in wood turning and pattern Daaklng witli aeatness and dtspatdli. AIPHEUS H. ROYS. To Contractors and Builders. 'PUF, BUILDING COMMITTEEof the Board 1 of Supervisors of Wushtenaw County offer for sale, Bt a reasonable price, all the broken ard untirken sumes in the county stone yard nu tlie corner of Ashley and West Ann streeis. The srre;iter part of the stone Is broken, aivi epi'?i;iüy aulted for Routing purposes. There ire from four to si.x oords of broken etono, aul trwo lothreeof uubroken WiUbeftolti oy IoaI, or ottierwise. asdesired. A.pply to the undersigned, local memberof the cöiiimittee, t 'he ABQ08 office. '. ROBERT 8HAJÍN0F. Ann Akbor. April 20. loH4. tf
Ann Arbor Argus
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