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Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜVTÏ op Í3 Washtenaw, es. Notice Is ft reb; aiv.n,thatb an order ol irobntt ('iii'i foi tha Cnunty of Waahteuaw, ni-ido on the :si dny of May A. D. 1SP-4. si moiitbs trom th'U Uure were allowed forcrerütor tu present their'i leinis agaiort the cstait of Asa AtehlnBou, lnt of said couniv, deceased, audtbat al] ei editora oí said deceased are requircd to preaeut thfiir claims tosaid ProlateOmirt,atthe Frnba'e Ottice ir. tbe city of Ann Arbor, for examluntloti and allowance, on or bcfore the 21st day of November next, and t tuit such claims wiil le h-;ird before said Court on the 2l3t day of Augunt and onthe21t day of November next, at tuu o'clock in the forunoonof each ui .snid Aays. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 21st. A. D. l'W. J. WILLARD BABIilTT, Jiiclye ofProuate. Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 0 Wiisbtenaw- ss. In the matter of tlie estáte of Jolm Woodmansee, deceased. Notice is liereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to t!n undersigned administratrlx of the etate of said deoeased, by tbe linn. JidL'e of Probate for the County of Washteuaw, on the 2Htli day of May, A. D. 1B94, at 10 o'clock in the (orenoon of that day (subject t all eneumbranoes by mortgage or otherwige exlgtingat the time of death of said deceased the followiii described real estáte, to-wlt : Heing all that part of the easi lialf of the southeast quarter ii' seor.lon number twentyeijiht (28) in tovnsbip number ivo South or ranze nuraoer - (8 ettst, lylng north of the Geddes Koad, also a part of the west half of the south-west quarter of eecilon nnuïbt'r twenty-seven in township two atoresald, now City of Ann Arbor, whlch said pamela or land are boumU-d on tl' west by Forssi H II Cemetery, ou the south by the Geddei oad and lands of Mrs. Ann White ai,d Win. Looker, and B.J. Conrad, ou the eaat by lands formerly owued by J. A . Seott and James Huddy, and on the north by the quarter line of aectlon twenty-eeven and twenty-eitrht n sa'd townsliip, contalning forty acres, more or less, also the following described piece of land oommencing at the south-east corner of the north-east quarter of sectlon twenty-eight aforesaid, running thence nortb on the east line of said section ei;hteen rods, thenee west parallel to the south quarter line of saiil ae tion forty rods, thence south elghteen nxls to the said south quarter line, thence east to the place of bezinning and containing In all forty-four and oue-half acres of land, more or less, except the described parcel, viz: at the north-east corner of Forest Hill Cemetery, running south along the east line of said cemetery forty rods thence east sixteen rods, thence north parallel with flrst line forty rod , thence west sixteen mds to beginnini;, four acres of land beingron the east on-half of the south-east quarter of sectlon number twentyeight town number two soutli rauge nuuiber slx east. Dated Hay 27, 1894. CAROLINE WOODMANSEE, Admlnlst atrti. SherifTs Sale. NOTICE is hereby siveii that by vlrtue of a writ of fier i lacias, iusued out oftheCircuit Court for the county of U ashtenaw„in favor of Georae Devine, against the gooda and ehattelB aad real estáte of John Devlue, in said county, to me directed and dellvered, 1 did on the thirty-tii1.-! day Of May lf-M+, levy upon and take all the righ't, tiilc aad interest of said John Devine, In and to the follow ng described real estáte, sltuated In the couutvof Washtenaw. State oí Michigan, viz. The 9outh-vvet quarter of the north easi quarter of sectlon number etgbt, in tovn one -,(juth of range five east; also the north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of said section number eight in town number one south of range number five east, all in the township of Webster, eounty of Washtenaw, Mate of Mlch igan. Also, the following described piece of land, sitiiatc and being in the vlllage of Dexter, In the townshlp of Sclo, county ot Washtenaw, Michigan, wit : Lot number five (6i In Hary J. Baywalt'a additlon to the illageof Dexter, Michigan, according to the recorded plattbereof. AH of wiiicli I shall exposé for at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door ot the court House, in the city ot .mui Arbor. in 6aid eounty, that being: the pi; ce of holding the Circuit Oourt lor said couuty Of. Washtenaw, on Baturday.the 2let day of July. A. 1). 18'.H, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated, thls Sist day of Mav. A 1). tím. MICHAEL KEÉNNEK, Sb J. W. Bensbtt, Attoruev for PiainttT. MARTIN & FtSCHER nu: wKSTfiit iii-:i-;irv4 1 .'. N . Brewers ot Pur


Ann Arbor Argus
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