The Toledo Bicycle Works, Toledo, Ohio
FOUR YEARS to the Manu" k. Tho "DAUNTL.ESS" has na a ü ■"■' facture of SRl superior in every point oL ex. grade Wheels, ud not a complamt Crg? - % cefience. Everwheel is fml What bettec rcgommend can a ÏÏT , - i PT MORGAN & BUY DIRECTFROM THE MANUFACTURER, AND SAVE ONE PROF1T- IT'S A BIG ONE. $125=1894 " BAUNTLESS," "SCORCHER," "ROADSTER," OR LADiES' tfCC WHEEL, DIRECT TO TïIE RIDER AT flU3i We m ïh First Gospasj ii h Fisld Offering SiejcUs to Eiders at Factory Fricu. 0 - o toledo. ohio, Aprii js, .89. Absolutely the R"gt m THE TÜLKDO B1CYCLIÏ CO., Toledo, O. J - Gentlemen - The "Dauntiess" Bicycle rccently purctused All drop forgings and Engiisti , from you is fiving satisfactioa in every respect. As a rider of sorue steel tUbing Bearing Strictly duStyears' CJtperieoce. I fec-ljustiliedia saymïtlm the "Dauntiess " is prOof. Elegant designs. ThlS ÍS n " the front rank of hiBh.jracle Hicycles. and is certainly worth much onnortunitvnever beforê offered the more money than you are asking for it, in comparison with other never Mloreomrw lae machines of standard make. Yours very trulv, public. $l'2o WHEELS FOB f65. A. J. SNELL, Sec. and Asst. Mngr. The Pliny Watson Co. Write lor Circulars.
Ann Arbor Argus
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