Additional Local
The Young People's Society of Zion church has decided to hold a a picnic at Whitmore Lake on July 2Óth. In Justice Bennett's court, Monday, Patrick Scully was awarded $18 damages against a careless driver -who drove into his carriage recently. The senior dental students and Tnembers of the faculty attended a reception given by Dr. John Watling, at Ypsilanti, Tuesday evening. The Ann Arbor Art club exhibit in the Masonic block is one of the best ever held by the club and draws a large number of visitors daily. The exhibit closes tomorrow evening. At a meeting of the directors of the Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric company held Wednesday, J. E. Beal was elected secretary-treasurer and general manager in place of the late A. L. Noble. State street is bound to( be a business center. George Wahr has purchased the two lots on the corner of State street and North University avenue and will build a block at once. The 38th annual session of the Michigan Dental association is now in session in this city and will continue until tomorrow noon. There are about 150 prominent "toothpullers" present from all parts of the state. The pupils of Mr. E. N. Bilbie, teacher of the violin, assisted by Miss Minnie Davis, piano, and Mr. J. A. Bendinger, baritone, will give a recital on Thursday evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock, at McMiilan hall. The admission is free, and all are cordially invited. Eugene E. Beal, who but recently retired from the position of postmaster, has purchased the shoe store of Seyler & Son, and will conduct the business at the same stand. Mr. Beal is an active, enterprising business man, and will surely be successful. E. L. Seyler was obliged to dispose of the business on account of poor health, and after closing up his affairs will devote his energies to recuperating his health. The newly organized young Women's Christian Union elected the following officers Monday evening: Miss Hattie Crippen, president; Miss Alice Porter, vice-president; Miss Anna Flynn, recording secretary; Miss Nellie Loving, corresponding secretary; Miss Emily E. Hayley, treasurer; Mrs. George Yandawarker, Miss Bertha Christtnan, Miss Hattie Warner, Miss Gertie Sanford, Miss Brooks and Mrs. Henry Dean, board of managers.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Nellie S. Loving
Emily E. Hayley