Washtenaw County Pioneers
The next nnnual meeting of the Pioneer Society of Wasttitenaw eounty, will be held in the new Methodist churchj ut Ypeólaivti, on Wednesday, June lStili, 1S04, at 10 a. m., for the electlon of officers for the ensulng ycar and transaction of other busiaeeS. Addresees -11 be dellvered by Judge W. D. Harrtaaan ud Kolwrt Campbfll, of Aüo Arbor ; Chas. Woodruff, editor of the Ypsilanti Seatinel and Geo. Gil! of Ypsilanti. Clark's quartette of Saliue will furnisb excellent nnisic and sliig the good old songs. The citizens of Ypsilanti and adjoining townsliips will furnish the banquet. All tJiose intending to furnish provisions for the banquet will please notify Erastus Sampeon or Wm. H. Lay, of Ypsilanti, as soon as conven ient. Come early and fül tJie church liy 10 a. m., Sharp. June 1, 1894. J. Q. A. Hessiüiiw. Sec'y. President.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News