C. Marx drove to Ann Arbor last Sunday. M. J. Cavanaugh, of Ann Arbor, visited the uu ion school, Tuesday. Bert Waite went to Saline Saturday. returning Monday. F. O. Martyand Iittle daughter, of Ann Arbor. visited her parents, G. A. Fausel and wife. Prof. T.F. Moran, of Johns Hopkins college, Baltimore, Md., is visiting bis parents. Mrs. Win. Pfeiffle and children, of Ilamilton, Ohio, arrived in town Saturday to remain a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Marx. Mr. Schultz and wife went to Adrián Monday, returning Tuesday Mrs. T. Baily and Miss Libbie Bodine drove to Tecumseh last Tuesday. Dr. C.F.Kapp and Geo. JJIIaeussler visited the school the ürst of the week. Mrs. II. Cash and children,of Brooklyn, spent Sunday with her parents, J. Kelly and wife. Miss Minnie Geiske, of Tecumseh, is visitiug friends in town. Mrs. John firaun and Mrs. Harrington went to Jackson to visit Chas. Braun and wife. Miss Marjorie McAdam, of Clinton, spent a few days visiting her aunt, Miss Minnie McAdam, and on Saturday returned home. Chas. Leeson closed his school at Bridgewater Centre last Friday with appropriate exercises. The Alumni will have their annual reunión at Arbeiter hall Friday evening, June 22. Miss Graee Burns, of Bridgewater, entertains the senior elass and teachers at her home Thursday evening. Of course they will have a splendid time. Ld. Deiterle and wife rejoice over the birth of a son. which carne last Saturday to gladden their home. Misses Julia Conklin, Edith Case and Henrietta "Weir returned to Ypsilanti last Saturday after a few days' vacatiou. Saturday the Manchester High School have a picnic at Wanipler's lake. A number of the young folks and senior class of last year have been invited and a good time is expected. Friday evening the Epworth League of Sharon will have a lawn social at the home of Mr. L. Hulburt. A number of the members of the Manchester league expect to attend. The Grammar Room base ball nine went to Clinton last Saturday to play against the nine of that place. They stayed to see the game between the Jackson nine and those of Clinton. A number of the students of Albion College went through Manchester, on their way to Ypsilanti to witness the games, last Thurseay. Next Sunday the Christian Endeayor of the Emanuel's church have their first anniversary. The ministers of the neighboring places have been invited to attend, also a number of members of the surrounding places are expected.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News