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11.111 -....,■, nm„ 11WB1 WANTED. FOR SALE. ETC. FOK SALE. -Movinu' tooJs, suoh as tri ehalns and other tools that are used for moving purposes. Mrs. N. Mulligau, 83 Bi way. VOÏl SALE- A good road cart at52 E. Washí inyton iit. FOR SALE-FIve acres on West Hurou Street. Good house, barn. orchard Beau tiful location. Will sell on lerins pnly to or address E. D. Davia, We3t Huron street Ann Arbor, Miohigran. ?tf ' POR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several ga . farms, farming lands and city propert? lmproved and uninvproved, on very easv terms. Irankliu L. Parker, 2i Aun git AnL Arbor. FOR SALE.- 30 acres 011 Clinbb St. in acre or five acre lots or all togother. Lone time, small payment, 6 per cent interest Ja? H. MoDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit' Mich. ' PIANO TUNING.- L. D. Brown. the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whituey. will bein the city soon. Orders left at the Akous otlioe will receive bis attentiou. TORENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A at of six rooms. Enquire at IS S. Siate St. 28tf 'po KENT.- urnished house heated witb l fm'nace, in jirood order. Applv to N'nah G.Butts, RoomlB.Masonic Block. FOR SALE- FuHWooded Brown Lesliorn Eirs. The Brown Leffhorns are the best layers. Thcy are non-spetters, and lay 2(0 e-xs a year. 1 will give a pedigree, aud iö eggs ror batcblng-for $1. cali at C. F. U'einmaun T Brown street, and Í2 Hill street . 2S-w


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News