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The Store

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s season .IEKng . sale. Our Great Semi-Annual Closing Sale commences tomorrow.- With trade conditions never so ripe, with commercial circumstances never so favorable to the buyer.- Our half-yearly returning sales.- Al ways rich in promise and fulfillment.- Will be more so than ever this year.-Restless inactivity and uncertainty throughout the country has impelled us to seize our BROAD SHARP BUSINESS SCYTHB and ruthlessly mow down the prices of an immense stock of stylish end reliable household goods.- Washtenaw's sharpest shoppers know what this means. Dress Goods Closing. The usual Semi-Annual Event commences once inore. - The wise woman knows what that means - She has been waiting for it, and expects greater values than ever by reason of thetimes. - She expects greater values here than elsewhere at any time] by reason of The Store's lowprofit prices. The Enfire Accumulation of Foreign Dress Goods to be ülosed. Exclusive Novelties from the first looms of France, England, Germany, Scotland and the United States, - Natties, Chevrons, Cheviots, Pointells, Boucles, Basket Weaves, Irrides. cents, Tailor Suitings, Crepons, all in the regular dress lengths and no two f3OC alike, all in the height of style now and having the promise of popularity UÜC next season, ma&e this an opportunity not to be under-estimated. - In value OVrC AND they are f 1.25 to &2.50- now in four lots at fi -f f"f PLAIN COLORED DRESS GOODS. 5 dieces 46-inch all wool Bengaline Cord are reduced from $1.00 to - 69c# 15 pieces changeable Basket Weaves cut from $1.00 down to - - 65c. 39 pieces 46-inch fine all wool Serge, all colors, 69c regularly, now selling at 48c. 40-inch all wool Serges and Henriettas, the standard 50c value, selld now at - 39c. 40-inch diagonal Whip Cords, were special 65c values, to close at 39c. HALF WOOL CHALLIES Are here in beautiful designs and vie in favor with the best imported goods - not 20c ' as usual - for this sale only ...... JJ l-2Si . , 1 OUr Greal 39c Specials MoWed PoWi) to 32c. Never has any line of Dress Goods received the splendid ovation accorded our 39c special values this Spring.- Selling them faster than we could buy them, we have handled a carload of this line. We have about 40 pieces left and have decided to close them at 32c 50 pieces all wool Dress Goods regular 50c valnes, were a little slow: we'll move them at - 24c. 75 pieces 40-inch all wool Serges, Tricots, Habit Cloths, Ladies' Cloth, plain black and all colors, staple 50c values, to close at ..-..- 29c. 45 pieces doublefold half wool Dress Novelties, plaids and stripes, 25c in value, down in this saleto - 12 l-2c. WASH DRESS COODS. 500 yards of short length Outting Flannels, 12Lc quality, - - - 5c. 1 case Dotted Swiss, fine in quality- neat printed designs- a big job that sel Is in a regular way at 15c, thrown out in this sale at - 7c. 25 pieces fine Organdy Stripes, worth 50 per cent. more, go at 10c. 20 pieces fancy Brochaded Chambray reduced from 15c to - 10c. 30 pieces black Lawns, Plaids and Stripes in value 15 to 20c, all at - 12 l-2c. Big line Duck Suitings, very best quality, sells in this grade for loc, now - - 12 l-2c. Cotton Crepe Dress Goods, very stylish for evening wear and very cheap for - 12 l-2c. Printed Irish Lawns- present value 12L and 15c- cut to sell at - - He. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Legitímate merchandising has nothing to conceal. Imposture is aowhere so easy and common as in Black Dress Goods. The integrity of The Store's stock is beyond cavil. The Store's fabrics, styles and prices are known completely to the Ladies of the county. The Grreat Business Done Tells the Rest. Here are bargains in the truest sense of the term. 25 pieces black half-wool Grenadines, stripes and plaids - they are 25c a yard when you buy them them regular - one-lialt' that price now - - - - -12 l-2c. 20 pieces fine black Novelty Drees Goods, every piece up to the dollar quality will be closed at 65c. i2-inch black Mohairs, excellent G9c valué, now go at - - - - 49c. i2-inch all wool Nun's Veiling, the 75c kind, uaarked down to - - 49c. 5 pieces fine black Alma Weave, mowed down from 90c to - 59c. 15 pieces elegant quality fine Serge - will match it against any 75c sample you briiig - the lot goes at - - . - - - - - 53c. 50 pieces Crepons, fancy diagonal stripe Storm Serge - black and white stripes, checks, plaids and dots - every piece strictly dollar goods - down to ----- 65c. FAYETTA DEESS GOODS- Have you seen them- probably not- as they are uevv and fouad only at The Store. - S@@ t2l@XEL. 5 pieces 58-inch black Storm Serge, an unqualified $1.35 value, cut to 98c. WHITE DAYLIGHT is a great accessory to the proper showing and selling of Black Dress Goods- found in abundance at The Store. TO REDUCE OUR SILK STOCK We will give the ladies a benefit of prices most acceptable. Satin üuchess - pure silk - new spring shades - well worth $1.00 - to be closed at - 49c. 5 pieces black India Silk, pure dye, 24-inch wide, 85c value, - 59c. 500 yards Faille Franchaise, extra quality, evening shades, $1.00 value, go at 59c. 200 pieces 2 to 15 yard lengths, fancy Brochades- printed Indias - changeable efïects, etc, worth up to 1.50 - all go at .... - - - 59c. 25 pieces extra quality Wash Silks for waists, 75c values, now - - 49c. SATINE SALE. 500 short lengths 12-Jc Black Satines, -■-.... - - - 6 l-2c. 1 case fancy Satines, all new and desirable styles, a positive standard 12c value, ent for this sale to ----- - - 7 l-2c. 15 pieces Gilbert's best fancy Satines- ondline weaves- ombre stripes, etc, lowest priee 18c, cut tor this sale to ------ lZe. Fancy Moire Stripe Satines, very new, pretty and popular - elegant 12Lc value - are cut to 10c. Fine Moire Satines, black grounds with colored figures and dots, have never been equalled in style or popularity in cotton dress goods- 25c is the standard price- this sale they are 17c. SWISS MUSLIWTS at 12 l-2c, 20c, 30c, 35c, and 40c are a saving of 25 per cent. India Linens, Dimities, Check, Nainsook, Dotted Swisses, all in the highest meridian of the season, are reduced to 12 1-2, 15, IS, 20, 25. 30 and 40c. iU&cÁ n ZJcAvrUA


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