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An Opportunity Of A Life-time

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57 SHghtly Used Pianos to be closed out at Factory Cost. We have orders from the Board of Directors to sell for cash or approved notes. Prices must move them. THE PÍANOS MUST GQT Read the following : SOMEOFtheBARGAINS. I SOME of the BARGAIMS. Ann Arbor, Mich., June 9, '94. SQUARES. UPRIGHTS. MR. LEW H. CLEMENT, Mgr . : a„ Art 2 Colbv Pianos, beautif al cases, in first 1 Brackett Piano, - - $$O.OO. - The board of di rectors have carefully conclass condition, - 7.W. 1 United Workmen, - 50.00. sidered your suggestion regarding the 1 Allmendinger, rented 3 years, $140.00. ing of an additional store for the purpose 1 Decker Bros. (in the finest condition) 75,00. . .„'■,. t. j-. ka Aa of storing our renting stock during the 1 Alhnendinger, better condition, 15O.OW. 1 Boardman & Gray, - 50.00. mer. We think it better to rent temporary ' 2 AUmendi ented 27 ra0,, 165.00. roomsas cheaplyas possible. Sell the pianosat 1 Chickering & Sons (First class condicogt if need be as we cannot af ford to have 1 Allmendinjrer, eood condition, 175.00. ion')i the money tied up in them all summer, and . , . . , . t. „ 1 Allmendinger, patent f all board, 175.00. lose the interest on it, pay storage on them s 'F ' TTPR.IGHTS and receive no benefit. You might better 1 Allmendinger, very fancy case, 180.0. 1 Newby & Evans, - - 200.00. sell them and get the money to use to take the benefit of cash discounts, &c . , during 22 Erie Pianos, walnut, mahogany, 3 Smith & Barnes, - $315-230.00. . an(j ebony, rented from 3 mos. the summer, and when business picks up in .. i.: Lj. to 27 mos. Pnces, depending on 1 good Mchlin Piano (used by Prof. the f all, and you require more pianos to condition, from - $2OO to $275. ■ease') 300.00. rent, buy them in car lots at proportionate prices. The board desires you to use your best efforts to get all the money you can out of these used pianos as soon as you can. # Cl ose out all of them that you possibly can. and report progress at the next monthly finB FRED'K SCHMID, President. '' D. F. ALLMENDINGER, Supt . There are injthe above list some wonderful bargains, among them several Brie Pianos, like cut on this page, used slightly, and bought last fall at hard time prices in car load lots. We believe the Erie Piano to be the very best No person who contemplates buying a piano in the nex. piano at a moderate price ever made. It is made W BgB&Mia!Bg ten years should fail to write us for fuller information about by C. C. Colby, a piano maker with years of ex "]iH TZsTw onLand ntTeZt detawhen Tact perience, and contains an even scale, excellent I?hH jl: :C ijl wasToughUustVow ' long ft has been use and whlt rent action and a beautiful tone. We have rented and U has been reeeived on it, and our statements can be relied on. sold dozens of these during the past four years, j 11' 'V ' 'mnnmm ye invite intending purehasers to cali, whieh is the best and they have stood the test of actual use. We Sk- jL method of learning the great bargains we are offering. are familiar with every detail of their construc[-S BeaF Ín mÍnd that eaCh f these pianos has been re-Polished tion, which we will be pleased to explain on reKM Z manend aTlefully tnned anTvofed. hTy et quest. We will guarantee them in every respect j first class condition, and we submit these prices in eompetifor five years from date of sale. tion with all those so-ealled "great bargains" of Detroit and The Allmendinger and Arbor City Pianos are of our own manu. W other dealers, knOWÏng that, quality COnsidered, these prioes facture, and contain the very best material, and though used from [fia! Hn5 admit of no eompetition. It ÍS advisable to COme early that two to four years, are in good condition and can be relied on. They 1 ;jf ■.- --- - jSSSS TSVOU mav have flrst choice. Our store is crowded with aew pianos. Mehlin, OhickeringBros., % SS&SÉÉSSS Ja]J lst Some of them :ire a!read)' coming in, and the balance will Boardman & Gray, Braumuller and Erie, but this sale is for the spe' , ' ' ' n , . . . , be returned at the close of school, cial purpose ot closing out our renting stock. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., GENERAL MUSIC DEALERS, 51 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Corner Liberty. _ aJ Maqlifacitarera of THE A-KTJXT AH.BOR. ORGrAN. OPPOSITK HACK & SCHMIDK.


Ann Arbor Argus
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