Washtenaw Pioneers

Year by year as death comes into our midst and takes a number of the early settlers of Washtenaw county the roll of the sturdy pioneers who experienced all the vicissitudes and aversities of frontier life grows smaller and smaller, but in geometrical progression does the bonds of friendship and paternalism become firmer and more strongly forged between those that remain. The Washenaw County Pioneer Society has alvays enjoyed the reputation of holding the most interesting meetings of any JÏ the kindred societies of the sate md it has done more to preserve the arly historical records and interesting acts and relies of the early life of Michigan than any county in the state. The 20th annual meeting was held yesterday in the Methodist church and was attended by over 400 men and women who have had much to do with making the county what it is today. Many of those who attended were o feeble that help in getting up the steps of the edifice was a necessity and n) doubt many felt as they mingloJ. vith the auüience that perhaps this meeting was the last that they would be able to attend. After a song by a quartet Rev. Mr. Smits led in prayer. Chalrman Samon had been presented with a gavel by Charles Fleming of this city taken rom one of the beams of the old Methodist Church of this city which was erected in 1843, and he stated that t was to be used by all chairmen. His greeting to the visitors was in beïalf of a number of old pioneers who UU resided in the city and they were named. Secretary Sessions and Treasurer Treadwell's reports were read and iccepted. Wm. H. Lay, the necrologist of the society, then presented nis report which showed that during the past year 206 pioneers had passed over the iiver, he year before there were 151. The following are the statistics of the ages: 12 were over 90 years old (last year 12); 35 were between 80 and 90 (last year Si; 5 were between 70 and 80 (lat ear 21) ; 29 were between 60 and 70 (iust year 3J); 35 were under 60 (last year 16). The total ages of those who had died ■eaehed 14,732 years, making an average of 73 years and 4 months as against 74 years last year. Of the 206 only 134 had reached years of residence in the county which made a total of 6,536 years and an average of nearly 49 years Of these Thos. Phiüips and Mrs. James E. Watling, of Ypsilanti, were residents the longest, having been here 70 year3 each. Mrs. J. Fennel, of Superior, was the oldest in years to die, having reached the ripe old age of 96. George C. DeCamp was the youngest. dying at the age of 37, having resided in the county since birth. The followiiiK was the mortality by towns: Ann Arbor city 53, Ypsilanti 45, Superior 9, Dexter, Northfield, Saline, Sylvan, Augusta and Ypsilanti town 8 each, Ann Arbor town 7. Scio and Manchester 6 each, Webster and Lyndon 4 each, York, Bridgwater, Pittsfield, Salem 3 each, Sharon 2, Freedom, Lodi and Lima 1 each. A special supplemental list eulogized the following prominent pioneers of the county: C. S. Gregory, of Dexter, Judge A. D. Crane, of Dexter, Capt. C. Spencer, of Ypsilanti, Hon. Lyman D. Norris, of Grand Rapids, Prof. Emil Bauer, of Ann Arbor, and Dr. Corydon L. Ford, of Ann Arbor. The venerable ex-Gov. Felch, looking as hale and hearty and speaking with all the energy of 20 years ago, then read that portion of his address, recently delivered at Lansing at the state society, of which he ís the honored president, which pertained t this county and contained some valuable historical facts which can now be preserved. After this paper dinner was served in the parlors in the basebent to which the old pioneers were invited and nearly all present grouped themselves about the tables enjoying and exchanging sociabilities and reminiscences. At the session in the afternoon the attendance was considerably larger than in the morning, many from Ann Arbor and other outside towns being present. The program was made up with reminiscences of early pioneer life in the different sections of the county interspersed with music. The following was the program observed: Charles Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, on "Early Pioneer Life in Pittsfield" ; Geo. W. Gill, of Ypsilanti, on Superior; Wm. Lambie, an original poem; Hon. W. D. Harriman, of Ann Arbor, "Pioneers and the World's Fair"; Edward Drury, of Ypsi (Continued on Sth pase.) Washtenaw County Pioneer Society. (Continued from Ist pase.) lanti, an original poem; Robert Campbell, of Ann Arbor, on Augusta; Mrs Findley, a biographical sketch and personal letter from Margaret Fuller Victor, of California, concerning her old acquaintances here. All the paper were interesting and contained man allusions to the struggles of half a century ago.
The musical program was rendered by A. F. Clark, of Saline, tenor; Mis Lizzie Milspaugh, of Ypsilanti, soprano Mrs. A. G. Lawrence, of Saline, alto Preston H. Rouse, of Saline, basso Mrs. A. F. Clark, of Saline, pianist Mr. Renwick, of Ann Arbor, organist, and the numbers were happily received. One of the main features of the meeting- and one which attracted a great deal of attention was a valuable collection of 160 pieces of pioneer dishes, of Washtenaw county, exhibited by Mrs. J. Willard Babbitt and which has taken her 25 years to bring together. The collection is a rare and beautiful one and it is soon to be turned over to some public institution of the county by Mts. Eabbitt. There were numerous pitchers, plates, tea pots, cups, saucers and platters. Among the rare specimens can be mentioned the following with the donors: Benj. Woodruff, the first the cover, tureen and holder Penn's treaty with the Indians; Capt. Arms, cf Webster, a cup and saucer of 182S; the Cross estáte, a cup and saucer; "Granny" Harris, a píate her mother brought from England in 1790; Mrs. Starkweather, of Ypsilanti, a syrup cup which was one of her wedding dishes; Wm. Henderson, a syrup cup; Otis H. Lee, Ypsilanti's postmaster in 1848, a píate; Mrs. Thornton, of Ypsilanti, a handsome pink plate; A. H. Ballard estate a foot bath; Abram Sage, soup plate of 1830; Dr. Fry, Ypsilanti's first dentist, a plate; the communion plate of the old Adventist church, the plate being 50 years old; Janette Crittenden, of Ypsilanti, a glass honey dish; Deacon Loveder, a gray dish brought here by him in 1327; Mrs. John Maynard, of Ann Arbor, a gravy boat and one of her first dishes; Mrs. Asa Burnett, of Ann Arbor, a plate; Mrs. C. M. Loomis, of Ann Arbor, a Washington plate; Dr. Bennett, his mother's tea pot; Dr. Batwell, a pitcher brought by him from Ireland; Mary Whiting, of Ann Arbor, a bread dish. Following is the extensive report compiled by the necrologist, Wm. H. Lay, of Ypsilanti. The report is very thorough and entailed considerable labor in arranging it. The figures given below are for the year ending Ji'.nelst: DATE . . NAME. OF Sw DEATH. a C. S. Gregory, Dexter June 4 77 S9 Mrs. B Farrall, Dexter Tune 4 91 58 Michael Conklin, Dexter June 11 78 68 Sarah E. Lyon, Seio June l! 63 53 Mary A. H. Bilbie, A. A. town..June 11 5s A H. Fillmore. Ann Arbor June 11 47 47 John M. Reinhardt, Ann Albor. June 13 73 Mrs. M. Long, Ann Arbor June 8 75 Thomas Phillips, Ypsilanti Juae 14 79 70 Hannah Groves, Ann Arbor June 2) 55 55 Robert English, Manchester June 19 77 50 James Parker, A. A. town June 26 .. 50 Mrs. John Eisele, Ann Arbor-. .June 2S 60 34 Brice Comstock, Ypsilanti June 29 84 37 Mrs. Jane G. Barnes. Ypsilanti July 9 63 63 Mrs. Harriet Wing, Ann Arbor. July 9 60 55 John H. Murdock, Dexter July 15 47 45 Isaac Bisbee, Ann Arbor town. -July 24 80 59 Mrs. C. Buchoz, Ann Arbor July 26 72 40 Mrs. Mary Hascall, Ypsilanti-. .July 22 77 56 Mrs. :. McCollum, Ann Arbor.-July 15 82 Mrs. Margaret Ely, Ypsilanti. -.July 15 86 63 Milo Benham, Ypsilanti town. -Aug. 3 h 5S Asa M. Darling, Augusta Aug. -i 87 Edwin R. Curtis, Ann Arbor.... Aug. 7 65 54 Mrs. H. W. Jewett, Ypsilanti... Aug-. 11 46 34 Thomas Johnson, Augusta July 30 84 40 Mrs. Thomas Peatt, Dexter July 30 .. Walter Webb, Lyndon July 21 82 Francis L. Otis, Ann Arbor July 28 76 Andrew Smith, Ann Arbor July 29 69 Mrs.Anson Wheeler Northfield.Aug. 7 58 Judge A. D.Crane. Dexter Au (f. 14 84 66 Mrs.G. Hildinger, Manchester. Aug. 9 5 Mrs. Mary Merrill, Webster Aug, 18 "TT 6 Bayard Martin, Ypsilanti Aug. 1H 87 40 Peter Tyler, Ypsilanti Aug. 19 86 b6 Dr. A.C. Kellogg. Ann Arbor.. Aug. 26 9 39 Mrs, N. H. Pierce, Ann Arbor.-Aug. 26 65 55 Mrs. Corunna Kief, Ypsilanti...Aug. 28 67 50 Cornelius Gillespie, Ann Aug. 29 83 4d Mrs. C Hudson, Manchester... Aug-. 16 85 Mrs. Silas Loomis, Sylvan Aug. 30 90 . Braun. Saline Au2. :ü 58 24 Mrs. D. D Smith. Ann Arbor...bept. 7 DO 25 Mrs Jane T Watling, Ypsilanti.Sept 3 78 7n Solomon Ostrander Vpsllauii-Mpi 7 74 34 i mi, e, ipsilanti Sépl : 72 57 ,r Hamn ton. ïpsilauti - .Sept 7 70 bü Ir F Witmire l'pslauti -Sept 7 12 4U [rs Mary S flaua. Y(.silantl..-bept s 74 :n , Henry Bishop, Augusta tept 7 81 80 Breck, Nonüfield Aus 26 62 onuiiuii Ryan, Auï Arbor twpt 1 K Margaret Hawkins, Ann Arbor. Sept 2 77 Abram Uuu ;ü, superior Sept 11 7s Joseph Clinton Ann Arbor Sept 12 62 4,1 Irs U Reidy, Ann Arbor..' Sept 12 SH 67 Henry u Hyatt, Ano Arbor ...Sept 16 87 30 i U nkuo, ï'pSilaiHi Sopt 20 82 33 Joseph h Mount, Süarun sept 14 85 Michael O'Brien, JNorttifleld - Sept lil 87 56 Irs Westerway. Ypsilanti Sept 20 78 David L Gates Anti Arbor Sept 23 SI 57 Geo Speechly, Ann Arboi ciept 2ó 88 5.5 Daniel Weinett, oaline Sept 30 8 5B Mrs JU Storms, Ann irbor tjet 13 76 63 Francis J Freeman, Ypsilanti-.Oat 13 60 60 S C üoerat, ïpsilaut. Oct 15 74 48 Lydia M Clark. YpsilantI Oct 17 83 62 lróri Kelly, l'psilaiui towu - Oct bl b2 Irs i' Grogg, ipsilauti Oct 25 75 40 1 Geo Walker., Sateai Nov ó 77 63] ; Fiegel, Freeduiu íov 6 60 57 Rev Geo Colgrove, Aun Arbor.-JNov 5 70 30 : Charles Clark JL, M;iuclietei Nov 7 84 Samuel Pratt, Augusta Nov 5 14 lr Olivia cl Wilson, ïpsllauti-.Nov 12 89 60 u j Hawkiiid, Aan Arbur town.Nov 16 78 67 Geo Stallatemer, Sclo Nov 17 '.o 61 Obo Taylor, Nov i2 52 34 I .. 1 -. Captain C Spencer --IwV ïitf John K Yocum Ohelfeöa Nov 3ü 76 57 Orson Sober, öuperloi' ..utc 1 71 i.i i , - Mrs Stephenson, Vpliallti DöC r -s'-' ' Asahel Cary, iJv;tu Ueo 'ó 2 i 111 liye, JNoitüllelJ Uec 11 84 54 Lrs Laura nuart, iiuptjriof lec n 84 öj lis ol Al n Watkins, Ann Arbor. .Uac '■ - Patrick liurus, Aau Arbor uu B Watson Geer, Superior iice 8 7u oü V ai Noble, Ypsilanti i)ec lu ,2 Randall Boss, ip.-ilaiiti Dec 17 t,i (M) Mrs 11 iicuhom, ï'psuuuti towu.Ueu 1, .1 i8 Wm Beach, Auu Arbor JÜec IS . B0 Urs C F Conrad, JDuxiur Uli 5 bS 58 Stephen Webster, Detroit Oct ö &Ö lv j L DePuy. Ann Arbor -üec 18 71 Eyra Jones, saline Ueo 8 71 Mrs James ueaseley, Chflea --leü Hl 'il Mrs Israel Bailey, uexter Uec 4 7ti 50 Mrs Elsie Millard, Vp.-,ilauti Dec 15 73 41 Cornelius Parsons, saline i)ec 13 Matt Kavanaugh, Ana Arboe . Uec 14 64 Peter Dignan, Ann Arbor uec 'SI 77 Mrs Regina Schultz, Ann Arbor. Dec 'M 87 Wm Pringle, Nortliiiela Uec 21 oD Mr Rose ttiduie, Vpsilanti Deo v:i 56 Albert Forsythe, YptilUnti Deo 22 49 49 James Watsons, i'poilauti town. Dec 27 ,1 5u Ransom Laisbury, Yurk Deu 27 70 Hiram Boston, Lyndon Dec 20 70 50 Mrs f H Reeves, Webster Dec 16 James G Raymond, tiuuron Dec lti 8á 5b Amelia Breck ept lij ,: 5u James Sherman, Augusta ..Jau. 2 Uu Geo. M. stetcüer, Augusta Juue 23 üo 44 Loyal Tower, 1 Ann Arbor Dec. 2á 8d Air. Alva Freer, XortiiQelü Uuc. 23 'tv UlOrisa Mitchell, saline Dec. üti 88 .nrs Robert Kitchen, Augusta. .Dec. y oj Zera o. Pulcipher, Ann Arbor-.Jan. 2 83 60 jirs.Wm.Jti.jieaae,hiriage water, Jan. u iL liiad. Thompson, Auu -iibor.-.Juu. 6 4ó 45 jirs. John Armbruster PittsnelQ.Jaii. 5 7a Kus. ürouhbill, Cheisea jau. 4 84 Lyman D. Norris, Grand Rapids.Jan. 6 73 66 John Hunt, Aüu Aroui' Jau. a 59 4j Miss Norwood, Augusta jau. 11 M Mrs. Thos. Parks, (Jheisea Jan. 7 7u Amos rt illiur, superiui Jau. 15 85 6j mrs. Mary Cross, ïpsiiuuti Jau. 'M 84 60 James D. Winans, Ann Arbor Town... Jan. 21 88 '. Alexander Saulier, Webster Jau. ÍS tM 46 Mi. Geo. Savatse, heisea Jau. 14 7y Mrs. A. M. Reinhardt .Ann Aroor.Jan. 'Si 7U 46 John Wagner, Ann Atuor Jan. al 64 ui Ernest Oberscmid, Scio ...Jan. 31 80 47 Mrs. Mary Thayer, Ypoilautí Jau. 3u 80 so J. II. Allen, Wayne.-. -jan. 30 tío 63 Mary li Wuson, ípsilauti. Feb li II) 511 Daniel B Wines, Ann Arbor Feb s b2 57 Forbes H Ballard, YpsiianuT'wu,Fetj M lo tío 41rs J Fenneli, superior Feb 6 sti 50 Mrs James Nelson, Aun Keb 6 bi Mrs Cristine Schall, Ann Arbor.. Feo y SI aaiuut-i r;cKioru, superior 1-eb 11 bo Dr A F Kinne, Ypsilanti ....HeoU 81 44 Wlsueuürujlv, ipaliaüU l''eb 15 SU 5 May A. íoule, Ypsuanti l''eo i 78 bo Mía Lucy Palmer, York Feb 4 Si 00 ó Seitz, Manchester Feb 7 Si diiKiiu L Parner, &HD Arbur.-Feo U 74 & llo;c!. Albion iebl 81 50 ... June brandy, scio Feb al 87 .i.ieiaüu Druiy, Ypnauti Feb üü 7ó 4; u io Amry TlioruA fsiianti TuWB.l'eo 26 71 W .■isijou.se Martin, ïpeiiauti.-.Feb 2d Iti 62 tvi C Lirakt, SaliLe Keb 18 80 jNiUiian ii Drajvf, Aun Aruui Mar 1 tíj 39 irs Wm Edwards.SUma Feo 2a 90 Mra Marcia Minnis, Anu Ari)or-_Mar a aö 6t Prof Emil Baur, Ann Aruor Mar ü W % Mrs Fannie ciuruuer, Ann Arbor.Mar s 52 5ü Mra ihas cíager, Maocüester Alar 63 Mrs Lottie P Stevens, Ypai María 9ü 60 Wm Üurk, Anu Arbor Mar 19 .i ..a-, aaüiaü Loveland. Saline. -.Mar a ÍJ 57 Mrs B Miüer, Pittsüeld ..Mar 17 Mrs j1 A DeForrest, Ann Arbur.Mar ï" 88 5' Leasure L Kimmeh, superior.-.Alara7 75 Utf James E Evans, Sylvan. Mar2U 47 47 Mra James Doyle, York Marl M 48 John McConnell, Lynüou Mar21 Ut James Grant, Lyndon Mar 21 87 Justus Watson, bridgewater Mar 24 0 &í Mrs Anna O Krause, Ann Arbor, Mar 30 4 Patrick Mulligan, Aun Arbor.-.Apr 3 73 4! Frank tí Pattee, Ypsilanti Apr 8 47 30 Mrs Eliza Fitzsimmons, Nortbfleld Apr 6 70 50 Geo Schmid, Lodi Apr 2 78 Geo C DeCamp, Webster Maro'i 37 37 Michael Weimer, scio Apr 6ó Mrs M Wbltlog, Ypsilanti Apr 12 91 Mrs M Wilkinson, Ypsilanti Apr 13 s-t 50 Mrs Sarah Haedel, sylvati Apr 7 46 4i i)r Corydon L Ford, Aun Arbor, Apr 14 81 4( Asa Atchinson, Salem Apr 13 i 53 Mary Bradford, tício Apr 11 84 Juuu iiarl, Aüu aroor Apr 23 4í 2t Mr Emma D Bullis Ann Arbor, Apr:3 57 Gabriel Burn, Superior Apr27 78 2" Abner W. Gregory, Ann Arbor. -Apr 'S Ti John Corbett, Pittsfield Apríó 38 38 Mrs Priscilla Newton Ypsilanti, May 6 85 Lem L Clawson, Ypsilanti Xowu.May 14 64 40 john McCarty, Ypsilanti ..May 14 su 4. Mrs Emery Leland, Northñeld..May Ís 50 a) A L io!)lc, Ann Arbor May 19 4tj 2o Mrs Abotha Helber, Ann Arbor.May 18 71 4 Henry Goss Saline May 15 42 4Christopher Goodwin, Ypsilanti, May 24 bl B0 Mrs Sarah Mansfield Ypsilanti. .May 24 87 46 Adam D Seyler, Ann Arbor. ...May 25 5ii Thos. Wilkinson. Ann Arbor - May 25 i'ó Mrs Sarah Winney, superior - May 25 78 The total number of deaths during ing the year was 205, against 151 the previous year. Of these 12 were 90 years of age or over, 65 were from 80 to 90, 65 from 70 to 80, 29 from 60 to 70, and 30 under 60. In the report last year there were 12 who were 90 and over, 34 from 80 to 90, 21 froru 70 to 80, 21 from 6o to 70, and 16 under 60. The total ages of those who have died during the year amounted to 14,732 years, an average of nearly 73 1-3 years. The number of persons whose residence in the county is recorded is 134, whose years of residence amount to 6,536 years, an average of 48 59-67 years The oldest residents ware Thos. Phillips and Mrs. Jane T. Watling, of Ypsilanti, who are credited witu 70 years each, and Leasure L. Kimmel, of Superior, 69 years. The oldest in age was Mrs. J. Fennell, of Superior, who died February 6, aged 96. The youngest was Geo. C. DeCamp, of Webster, aged 37, a life long resident. The residences of the deceased pioneers are credited to the cities and towns as follows: Ann Arbor leads with 53, followed by Ypsilanti with 46. Among the towns Superior leads with 9; Dexter, Northfield, Saline, Sylvan, Augusta and Ypsilanti 8 each; Ann Arbor, 7; Scio au Manchester each 6, Webster and Lyndon, 4 each; York, Bridgewater, Pittstield and Salem 3 each; Sharon, 2; Freedom, Lodi, and Lima, 1 each. The great difference in deaths in the towns is owing to the incomplete reports without doubt. This list records among others the names of the following well known pioneers, whose labors have helped to make the County of Washtenaw what she is today: C. S. Gregory, Dexter, ex-president of this society and a prominent citizen of that community; Judge A. D. Crane, also of Dexter, who served his fellow citizens in many stations, among them that of Judge of the Circuit Vourt. all of which he fllled with credit to himself and to the people who were ever pleased to trust and honor hiña; Captain Spencer, of Ypsilanti, who like so many other boys of Washtenáw went to the" front in the dark days of '61 and gave up their all at the call of their country. On the historic field of Gettysburg he was wounded in the leg and was doomed to move on crutches ever after. Hon. Lyman D. Norris, a son of Mark Norris, a pioneer of Ypsilanti. Mr. Norris was the first student to enter the University of Michigan. This was in 1841. Mr. Norris delivered the historical address at the fiftieth anniversary of the celebration of Independence Day in Washtenaw county at Ypsilanti, July 4th, 1874, the general address being given by Hon. Scuyler Colfax. It is but justice to Mr. Norris to say that he fairly divided the honors of that historie day with the distinguished Vice-President of the United States Prof. Emil Baur, of Ann Arbor, so well known as a teacher there, and later as a successful grower of fruits and au authority on all horticultural subjects. Many will miss his hearty greeting and genial presence at our fairs; and lastly, Dr. Corydon L. Ford, of Ann Arbor, for 40 years filled the chair of anatomy in the U. of M., and leaves behind him in the lives of the many students who sat under his instructions the memory of the good man, as well as that of one of the foremost anatomists of his day. All of which is respectfully submitted. Wm. H. Lay, Necrologist.