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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!

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REPORT OF THE COWB1TION OF At Aim Arbor, Michigan, at the elose of business, Maj 4, 1894. RESOCKCES. LI A BI LI TI ES. Loansand Diecounts 1:7,350 03 Stocks, Eonde, Mortgages, etc 469,231 !H Capital Btook pald D I 50,000 00 Overdrafts 1,681 66 a,,__i,lc, ,,„, iMiimnmi Banking hcrösê - 80,50000 8urPlus tunt ïju.uw uu Keal Ëtute, Furniture. Fixtures and Undivided tir'.'lf. 14,3% 09 Safety Deposit Vaults 9,9 3Ü Dividend? nnuirtd 355 00 Other Real Estáte -- 4.9M OT i arrent expenses and taxes pald - 8,107 79 iippíiíit' CAPH. JJtj-rU&IXö. Dnefrom hanks in reserve eitiee ... 117,K1 01 Due irora other banks and bankers.3,656 37 Banks ai (1 Rankere 7o,9oü 09 Cbecks aml cash items 1,315 02 Certifícate-; M depopii .r),700 00 Soldeoinnd VeUnÍeS BO.00000 CommerciaJ depo-K, 186,93714 Siiver coin,"V.""..'-"."-V.-".V.-V--. .".'.". 4.000 00 Savias Scvosita. 585,705 79 C. S. and iSational Bank Notes 25,300 00 Uïi ti.mis6 ii STATE OF MICHIGAN, i gf I Charles E Hlaoook, caehier of the abore nampd batik, do soiemnly swear that the abovV Biatement is true to the best of my knowledpeam! heüef. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Attest: Chnstian Mack, Y. D. Harrimim. W B. Smlth, Directors. Subscribed and sworu to before ae. fktt 8ih day of Mayim. NMary Cfijntal security. - $100,000 I Toa) assets, - 1'O?O;POiO'0 Capital stock paid iB, 50,000 Surplus, - - 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buya aiid selis exchanges on New York Detroit and Chicago; sells draits on al) the principal cities of fcnrope. This bank, already havin? a large business, invites morchants and otlu-rs to open accounts with them with the assuraneeof the most liberal dealmg consistent with safe bankine. In the Saving8 Department intérest at the rate of four percent, is paid semi-annually,on theürstdaysot January and July, on all sums that we deposited three months previous to those days? thus affoidmg the people ot this city and county a perfectly safe depository for tbeir funds, together wtth a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on apwored securities. Dikectoks.- Christian Mack, W. D. Hairimaii. Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David .insey, and L. Grnner. Officbrs.- Christian Mack, resident; W. D. flarriraan, Vice-Fresident; Chas. E. Iliscock, Cashier, M. J. Ffitz, Ass't-Cashhi.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News