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[0F71CIALI GOUNCIL Chamüek. I An ai'.biik. June IS. i8W. ) Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Full board present. The journal of the last session was approred. COMMUNICATIONS. KROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Commou Couucil ; Gentlemen,- In accordance with the Commou tlouncil resolutiou ordering a sidewalk built ou the south side of West Hurou atreet, from Iugalls to Thirteeuth street, the Bourd of Public Works beg leare to submit the followiug report of lts doiugs iu the mntter of bids lor the eoustruction of the sidewalk at the City's property (Old Ceraetery) the füllowiug bfds w-ere received by the Board: C. A. Heath,$3.15P. L. Hewitt. 93. IU: Charles Steveus $2 83 per rod. These bids are to furuish all material aud labor. We uould recommend that au artificial stoue walk be built aloug the City'.; property mstead of a plauk walk. We therefore ask that au appropriatiou of $300 be made from the Bridge Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud to build said walk. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Mil!,er, Clerk. Aid. Prettyman moved that the commiiuication be accepted and adopted, and the Board of Public Works cause an artificial stone walk to be constructed. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aids. Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman - 5. Nays- Aids. Wágner, Bodmer, Martin, VVood, Snyder, Taylor, Pres. Wines - 7. FROM THE SAME To the Commoii Couucil : Gentlemen, - The Board of Public works would recoramend and ask for au appropriatiou of $400 for the curbiug aud gradiug of the ceutre of South l'niyersity ave., from state street to lCast University Aveune. The Board finds that such curbing aud grading is very uecessary to save the shade trees on said avenue. By ordei1 of the Bourd of Public Works. .W. J. Miller, Clerk. Referred to committee onstreets. TROM THE SAME. To the Cominon Council: Gentlemen,- The Board of Public Works would reuommend and ask your honorable body to aypomt a special committee from the Couucil. to meet with the Board of Public Works, VVeduesday eveuiug uext. June 2Oth. to coufer with the Board as to the best aud cheapest way lor the city to procure grade maps. By order of the Board of Pubïic Works. W. J. Mn.I.ER. Clerk. Received and Jiled. FROM THE SAME. To the ('omrnon ('ouucil : Gentlemen,- The Board of Public Works recommeud aud ask thu appropriatiou of .$110 to build two artificial stone crosswalks one' ou aud along the uorth side of Huron streel, across División street, and one on the west side of State street, across William street. By order of the Board of Public Work. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Eeferred to eommittee on sidewalks. PKESEXTATION OF PETITIOXS. Of L. D. Wiuesand one hundredand twentyflye others, on the Hill street lateral sewer district, asking lor a sewer to be ordered coustructe in said district. Referred to committee on sewers. Of John R. Miuer and eleven others. on the Liberty street lateral sewer district, askiug for a sewer to be ordered constructed in said district. Referred to committee oa sewers. Of Junius E. Beal aud forty others on the William street lateral sewer districp askiug for a sewer to be ordered coustructed in said disiriet. Referred to committee on sewers. Of J. L. P. McAllaster aud ritteen others, on the Huron street lateral sewer district, asking for a sewer to be ordered constructed in said district. Referred to committee on sewers. A commuuication from the Anu Arbor Schwabian Uuterstuetzuug Verein extending a cordial mvitatíou to the Commou Council to particípate in observiug the coming Independeuce day, also asking permission to have a street parade. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, Tbat the invitatiou exteuded to this Couucil by the Anu Arbor Schwabian Unterstuetzuug Verein, to attend the celebration of Iudepeudeuce at the Relief Park be accepted, and that permissiou be grauted to have .such celebratiou in the usual wav such ceiebrations have heretofore been held at said Relief Park, and that permissiou be granted to parade in any of the streets of the city ou that occasion. Aid. Prettymau moved to strike out the following in said resolution after the word accepted ' ' that permission be granted to have such celebration in the usual way such celebrations have heretofore been held at said Relief Park." Adopted. The yeas and na3rs being called for on original resolution, as amended, prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 10. Nays - Aids. Martin, Allmeudinger, Manly- 3. A claim of $27, from W. H. Eichmond, for 170 feet of artificial stone walk built at the property of Mr. Penwell, on Forest ave., was, on motion of Aid. Manly, laid on the table. KEI'ORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FROM THE FIKANCE COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee ou Finance to whom was referred the subject of the sum of money necessary to be raised for the ordiuary expenses of the city during the fiscal year of 1891-1895, your Committee caused to beprepared and herewith submit the proper resolutiou providiug ior the levyof such sumsof money by taxatiou. Respectfully submitted, Frank Woon, ARTHUR J. KITSON, C. H. Manly, Finance Committee. Leave being granted the following resolution was offered : By AM. Wood : Resolved, That the sum of $28,500 be and the same is hereby appropriated and levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of the City of Anu Arbor for the several regalar funds of the city for the fiscal year of 1894 and 1895; tbat the same be and is hereby apportloned to the several funds as follows : To the Street Fund, the sum ofi7,500. To the Fire Department Fund, the sum of 5,000. To the Pólice Fund, the sum of $3,2(10. To the Poor Fund. the sum of Í1.250. To the Water Fund. the sum of ?5,000 To the Cemetary Fund, the sum of?.1. The balance and remainder thereoftothe Contingent Fuud- $6,500. Secoiíd, Resolved. That the sum of $3,480 be, and the same Is hereby appropriated, levied and assessed under and by virtue of the act of the legislature authorizing the same for the purpose of paying the interest on and the installment of principal of the Uuiverslty Hospital Aid Bonds. Third. Whereas, It appears and is hereby determined that to enable the City of Ann Arbor during the year of 1894 and 1395 to keep and maintam iu good order and repair the several bridges, culverts and crosswalks in the city, a sum of money in excess of the per centum ivuthorlzed to be raised undér the authority granted by the coarter, is and will be necessarv; therefore, Resolved, That by virtue of the authority granted to this Council by general law of the .State the sum of $5,000 be, and the same is hereby appropriated and levied and assessed on the taxable property aforesaid, for the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud, for the purpose ofkeepins; and maintaining in good andd6JraowrrkaJhtLSecTfiaI ""' ' -?wrl111 ' at that tu ra of &,000 bc and the saine is hereby appropriated i lo ana levied and assessed tol me sewer üuud. f.,r the purpose of i.nd on account of uieconsiivctiou and maültalnauce of a system of sewers wlthin the city. (mil. Resolved, That the sum of $3,500, ue. and tne sanie is hereby appropriated. ! levied and assessed under and by virtueofl the act of Uie legisUturc authorizing the same tor the purpose of payins the interest ! ? ? tlle 'ustallinent oi' principal of the. Malo Sewer Bonds. Sixtü, Sesolved, That, and it ís hereby 1 dered that the said sutns of m'oney : atoresaid be assessed on and upon ihe taxable I propertyof the City of Anti Arbor, and spread I on the tax roll of sald city ior the year of 1894 tor the fiscal year of 1894-1895, for tüe several purposes 'nforesald; That all of the severnl sums ot moiiey aforesaid be assessed, levied ana eollected pursuam to law, and when collected, paid into the city treasury for the several pnrposes and on accouutof the several lunds af.n-esald. Resolved, i'imher, ïhat the City Clerk do certify the foregotug resol utlons of approprlations aiid assessmenta to ttie Cl tv Assessor, and that wheu certitied me City Assessor do spread the several sums of money aforesaid pn tUe tax roll of the City of Aun Arbor for the y_-ar 1894 and assess the same against the taxable propeny of the said city as the same Is set down in and assessed on the sald city tax rol!, and axamst the owuera of saiil uroperty puranant to law. Aid. Ferguson moved an amendnient by flxing the amount in the Fire Fund $6,500Adopted as follows : Yeaa- Al-ds. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allinendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Bpown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyraan, Wood, Pres. Wlnes- 13. Nays - Xone. Aid. Brown moved an aznendment by flxing the amount in the Poor Fund $2,000. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Siiyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor- t. Nays - Aid. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendiuger, Wood, Manly, Kitsou. Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 9. Aid. Taylor moved an amendment that the gross amount be fixed at $30,000. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor- 4. Nays - Aid. Waguer, Bodtner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 9. Aid. Prettyman moved au amendment ( that the amount be fixed at $2,500 in the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. ] Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wood, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 3. . 1 Nays - Aid. Waguer, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson - 10. The yeas and nays being called on, 1 the original resolutiou as atnended, prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Fergusou, Brown, ' Manly, Taylor, Kitsou, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 12". Navs- Aid. Martin- 1. REPORT FKOM SEWEIÏ COMMITTEK. To the Common Couneil: Your Committee on Sewers would ' report that on Thursday last they j ited the inaiii sewer and opeued up ' several of the man-holes. At the manjole at the intersection of Madison aud Main street we found üve inches , of quicksand. The man-holes at Hill j and Ashley streets were clear of sand. ' We found on opening up the man-hole at the intersection of Main and Summit, the water flowing at quite a lively rate, and at the terminus of the sewer we found the pipes flovviug about a s third full. i Kespectfully submitted. i Arthur J. Kitson, H. J. Brown, s P. L. Bodmer, F. Wood. i Received and filed. To the Common Couneil : Your committee on sewers to whom was ( reterred the several petltions asking for , lateral sewers to be constructed where stated, your committee cause to be prepared and aerewith submit the proper resolutions j dering the same and recommend that they ' be adopted. Respeetfully submitted, 1 Akthtjr J. Kitson". Christian Martin, P. L. Bodmeb, C. H. Manly, Frank Wood, ' H. Brown. Sewer Committee Accepted and leave beiug granted 1 the foUowing resolution was offered : By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, And it is declared that It is ezpediaut to cause and it is hereby ordered that ■ a lateral sewer be constructed in, on aud j along William street easterly from the main sewer. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson : ! Resolved, And it is declared that it is ' dient to cause and it is hereby ordered that ' a lateral sewer be constructed In. on and along Hill street easterly from the main sewer. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsen: ! Resolved, And it is declared that it is dient lo cause and it is hereby ordered that a lateral sewer be constructed in, on and along Washington streec easterly from the main sewer. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson : Resolved, Aud it is declared that it is expedient to cause and it is hereby ordered that a lateral sewer be eonstructed in, on and along Liberty street easterly from the maiu sewer. Adopted. On motion of Aid. Kitson a recess of five minutes was taken. After the expiration of five minutes the Couneil reassembled aud the following resolution was offered : By Aid. Kitson : Resolved, And it is declared that it is expedient to cause and it is hereby ordered that a lateral sewer be coastruíted ia, on aud along Huron street easteriy froui the main sewer. Adopted. FROM THE STEEET COMMITTEE. To the Common Couneil: Your committee ou streets, to whom was referred a certain resolution asking for an appropriation of $ 0 for widenlng and grading Fuller street at a point between Carey an Fuller streets, respeetfully report thaMhey have had the matter under consideratiou aud yourcoramitteeareof the unanimous opioion that such gradiüg is a necessary public improvement, your committee caused the City Engineerto set stakes and makeaprofile for such proposed grading; your committee would therefore reeommend that the appriation of $.50 be made from the Street fund and the Board of Public Works are hereby directed to cause the necessary grading to be' doue. Respeetfully submitted. Christian Martin, Frank Wood. H. G. Prettyman, P. L Bodmer, A. P. Ferguson, W. L. Taylor, . Street Committee. Accepted, aad recoinmendation eonourred in aa follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodrner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -12. Nay - None. FKOM THE SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks ould report that there being a necessity for the grading and construction of sidewalks where stated, your Committee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution ordering the same aud recommend that it be adopted. Respectfully submitted, O. H. Manly, H . J. Brown, C. J. Snyder, C. W. Wagnbr, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and leave being granted, the following resohition was offered: By Aid. Manly: Resolved. That the grading and eonstruction of the aidewalks hereinafter rnentioned s deeined and deelared a necessary public impiovement. Therefore, ft is hereby ordered that plank sidalks be graded, built and eonstructecl on and along the following street. and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz: On Detroit street. west side, in front of the property of Heury B. Dodsley. On Kingsley street, north side, from División to D'etroit streets. On Seventh street, the east side, from Liberty to Huron streets. On Ashley street. west side, from Miller avenue to Z.'s south line. . Ou Spring street, west side, from Cherry stieet to H. Allmendinger's south line. On Liberty street, north side, in front of the property of Mrs. Kuhn's, Mrs. Miüer"s añd the C. Hoffstetter estáte, and on the south side of Liberty street. at alley between the property of Messrs. O. M. Martin and M. C Peterson. On Church street, along the west side, in front of the property of F. N. Scott. On Ingalls street, east side, in front of the property of A. and J. Brennen. Oü Cathenne street, in front of the property of Geore;e Gilbert, Elizabeth L. Kendell and Bruno St. James. On Ann street, along the south side, from state to Ingalls streets. On Twelfth street, west side, from Washingtou to Hurou streets. On Washington street. north side, from Ingalls to Twelfth streets. On Hill street, north side, from E. University avenue to Forest avenue. On South University avenue, in front of the property No. 29. On Fifth avenue, east side, in front of the property of Mrs. C. C. Warner. That all sueh sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the manner, within the tioie and of the material prescribed by the provisious of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and the grade established. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin. Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and deelared a uecessary public improvemeut. Therefore, it is hereby ordered that stone sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the following property in the City of Ann Arbor, viz : On South University ave. in front of the property of G. G. Taylor, said walk to be built 6 feet in width. On Huron street along the west side in front of the property of the Goodrich estáte. On State street along the west side in front of the property of Mrs. V. C. Morris, said walk to be built 6 feet in width. That all such sidewalks be graded, built and cotistructed in the manner; within the time and of the material prescribed by the provisions of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and on the grade estabhshed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder. Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred the several resolutions and petitions asking for crosswalks, flnd there is a necessity for crosswalks and intersection walks where stated. Your committee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution ordering the same and recommend that it be adopted. Respectfully submitted. C H. Manly, H. J. Brown, C. J. Snyder, C. W. Wagner, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and leave being granted the following resolution was offered. By Aid. Manly: , Resolved, That the following appropriations be made from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, and the Board of Public Works te directed to build the following crosswalks and intersection as follows: Fifty dollars for rebuilding the crosswalk along the north side of Jefferson street across State street with stone flagsring and paving stone. Fifty dollars for rebuilding crossiug on Detroit street at the intersection of Fifth avenue with stone flagging and paving stone. Seventy-five dollars for a cement crosswalk on and along East University avenue, across South University avenue. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Allmendinger. Snyder, Ferguson, Browti, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman- 7. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Wood, Taylor, Pres. Wines- 5. On motion of Aid. Manly, the bill of W. H. Richmond was taken from the table. for building 170 feet at Mr. Pennell's place oo Forest avenue, after a loug discussion. Aid. Manly moved that the bilí be i ndeflnitely postponed. Adopted. FROM THE BOND COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: Your committee on bonds would respeetfully report that they have examined the following bonds of liquor dealers and would recoinmend tlieir approval with the sureties nanied: PRIHCEPAL. SURBTIES. John Schiieider, jr John Sehneiiier, sr., Solomon Baumganiner. Miehael Staebler Jacob Laubengayer, Fred itabler. Frey&Nixon Wesloy Htcks, Herman HanUujfhaus. Respectfully subrnitted, H. G. Prettyman, C. J. Snyder, t'HAS. W. WAGNER, BoDd Couimittee. Accepted and reconimendation concurred in and bonds approved. A petition sigued Goo. W. Bullis and others. asking the council to take care of the water that accumulates in the vaeinity of the corner of South l'niversity avenue and Wastatenaw avenue. On motion of Aid. Prettyman the petition was referred to the Board of Public Works for plans and bestway for the city to take care of the water. CO-MMIXICATION FROM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable the Common Council: The receiver of the Water company has requested that one of lus men be appointed patrolman for the protection of property belonging to the company, Itherefoie appoint, subject to your approval, VVm. A. Cochran to be patrolmen at the Water Works, without expense to the city. C. G. Darling. Mayor. On motion of Aid. Manly the nornination was conflrmed. A bill of the amount of $25.03 frotn Schairer & Millen for goods furnished Mrs. Mary Kennedy was received and referred to the Cornmittee on Poor. REPORT FROM CITY OFFICERS. Clerk Miller reported that Commissioner of Railroads, S. R. Billings, was in the city ou Tuesday, June 12, and inspected the overhead crossing bridge and several other crossings in this city, and has Qxed July 6, '94, as the day to give the city a hearing in the matter of maintaining overhead crossing bridges, and that it was necessary for the Council to take some action in the matter. Aid. Manly moved that the City Attorney and Mr. Norris are hereby directed to go to Lansmg and represent the City's interest in the hearing on July 6. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, ïaylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines - 12. Na vs- None. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid Martin: Resolved, That the bid and offer of the Koch Bros., to furnish all labor and material for the construction of the extentions of the ends of the stone Culvert on Fountain street, between Cherry street and Miller avenue be, and the same is hereby excepted and the Board of Public Works is hereby instructed to cause a contract to be executed and exchanged with said Koch Bros., at contract price, $258.00. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aids. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson. Prettyman and Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. By Alderman Martin: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works, cause profile and grade to be made of Brown and Lincoln streets and subrnit the same to this council. with an estímate of the cost for the necessary grading on said streets. Adopted. By Aid Manly: Resolved, That the mayor and city clerk be and are hereby autorized to execute a deed to Conrad Schneider and Mrs.Reichenecker for the cemetery Iots where the remains of'their deceased friends are buried. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, "Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. By Alderman Wood: Resolved, That the mayor,city clerk and this council cheerfully accept the invitation extended by Aid. Ferguson to spend a day at Zukey Lake and this council go in a body, the day to be flxed by Aid. Ferguson. Adopted unanimously, On motion, the Couuciladiourned. City Clerk.


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