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Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, POÜríTY OP Wahtenaw,s. Notice is hcrebv glveii.zhat b" an order ol the Probate LV .,,,. ,jf waahtenaw, mmle m the i -t . ., ,, May A. D. 1S!U. stx mambí rom tht Jai ■ were allowed fororeditora !o prosent t'.eir chip - ■? nat the eatatu of Am Atehinson, Ute oí sairt cnunty, dete.ised. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to -present their claiins toi-aid Probato the J-robate Office ín the c.tvof Aan Arbor, for examination an! allowwce, on ot before the '21st day of November next, and tbat such claims will he heard before aaid Tourt on the ïlst day of August and onthe2b)t day of November uext, at tea o'clock in h forenoonof each ut aaid d:.j. Duted, Aun Aroor. May 21st. A. D 18S4 J. WI1.LARD BABB1TT. Juilp-e of Proi. ate Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', COUNTY OP 0 Wasbtenaw- ss. Ia the matter of the estáte of John Woodmansee, deceased. Notice hereby glven, that in pursuanceof an order sranted to the undersigoe minlstratru of the of -aid de'y the Urn. Judge ot Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on ;the 29th May, A. D. 1894, a1 1 o'clock in the forenooü uf that d i t,, all ei brancesoj mongngG oi exlstingat the time of the death of eaid decea.sed the ing described real estáte, ti - allthat part of the ettst half of the southeast quarter of seotion number twentyeight(28i ii! townsnlp number ivo south of '■s iiorth ot the - Koarl. aUo :t part ot the west half of the south-wesl quaiter of seciion number twentj -seven In townshlp two aforesaid, now City oï Ann Arbor, whlchsaid paroels of 'and are boundedon the west by Forest Hll] Uemetery, on thesoutli by the G d and of Mre. Anti white ai d v. :iini 1{ J. Conrad, on easl by ands iotmerly owneil by J.A.Scott and James Hmlily, iiudontheiiorth bythe quarter line of sectton twenty-seven and twenty-elghi in sa d townliip, containine forty acres, more or lesa, alm the followlng deaoribed piece ot land commenolng ut the south-east corner ot the north-east quarter of sectioo twenty-eight afori'said. running thenee north on the east line of said gection nlghteen roda thenee west parallel to the south quarter line of said seotion forty roda, thenee south eighteen roda to the sai ■ Bouth quarter line, thenee east to the place of beginning and oontalnlng in all forty-four and one-half aerea of land, more orless, except the described p viz: Beginning at the north-east corner of Forest Hill Cemetery, runolng south the east line uf said cemetery forty roda 1 henee east stx teen rods, thenee north parallel with Brst Une forty rod . thenee west slxteen tods to beginning, oontaining four acres of land being on the easl on -half óf the south-east quarter of sectlnn number twentyeight town number two south range number six cast. Dated May'27, 1894. CAROLINE WOODMANSEE, Admtni! atrtx. SherifFs Sale. VOTIE is hereby srtven that by virtueof a 1' writof fleri facías. íssuedout ot tne ■ lrcuit Court for the eoiuity of V' ashrei favor of George Devine, agatnot the grioda and chuttels and real éstate of John Devine in said county, to medirected and delivered Ididonthe thirty-flrst day of May 114, levy upou and take all the right, title and interest of said John Devine, in and to the foüowing described real estáte, situated in the county of Washtenaw. State of Michigan, viz . The so'.ith-we-t quarter Of the north east quarter Ion number eisht, in town one south of range Kve east; also tne north-west quarter of the south-east quarter of said secWou number eiaht in town number one south of runire number flve east, all in the township of Webster, county of Washtenaw, Mate of MichIgan. Also, the followlng described pieee of lanu. sitúate and being in the vlüage of Dexter. In the vownshlp of 3cio, county ot Washtenaw, Michigan, to-wlt : Lot number h've (B) in MaryJ. Ray walt's addltion to tiie village of Dexter. Michixiin. acooröing to the recorded platthereof. All of wbtch [ shal' expose for sale at public auctlon or vendue, to the higiiest bidder, at the soutb diH)i "t court House, in the olty oi Ann Arlior I i eaid county, that the place t b.0 ding tbe Circuit Court for said ci't utyof Wuslitenaw, on Saturday. the 2lst day of July, . Ü. 1894, :it 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that d:iy Huted, thls 31st da.v oi Mav A D -'t MICHAEL BEËNaEK, Sheriff, J. W. Rennett, Attoraev tor PlaintüT. MARTIN & FISCMER PKOPHIKTi irt ■ f IHK WESTEKN KKKWKKT, AVN' ARKOR. M 11 ' Brewers of Pure Laver Ber.


Ann Arbor Argus
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