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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men!

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Emlsslons, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Se'f-Abuse, Syphllis, Gleet, Strlcture, Unnatural Discharges, Loss of Vttat Fluid In Urine. Impotency. Sexual and Mental Weakness. Kidney and Bladder Diseases Posltively CURED OR NO PAY! ie YHARS IN DETROIT. 2OO.OOO CUrtED. . ... _ Syphilis Cured. "This terrible blood di ikp rathfiP IK6 Son Young or Midclle Aged Man - Yon have leda ease was iu m pystem for eight years. Had ""T11 #■. eaylifeorinduhrediuthevicesof earlyyouth. taken mereury for two years, but the disease ï Toa feel the symptoms etealing over yon. Aelf returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotcheson abuse, or later excetsei have broken down your the skin, nlcer.s in the mouth and on tongue, , ' System. Afentfilly, ptysicaJiy and sexually on bone pnins i':t M ï tj uut of hair, weakness, etc. x - . i Mt are not the man j ou used to be or should be. My broiher, who had been cured of Gleet and jvr , V vfc Lustfnl praetices rea;) rich harvests. Thmk Srlctvrt Ia Dra. K"nr.edy and Kergan, recomJ ' „.' {■'? ' of the future. V.'ill yuuheed the danger signáis! mendeii ttiein. Tl. ey cured me in a few weeks 'O'iv V "í Ara yon nervous lid weak; despondeut and nd I tliank God 1 consolted them. No reQP.. A gloomy; specks before eyes; back weak and turn of the diseaae in six yeare." t f ' _1_L_A kidneysirritabhspalpitationof heart:dreaTiit. W. P. M., Jackson, Mich. ' f __e-_ and loseee at nighr; sediment in urine; A Minister Speaks. The liev. W. E. Sparks, ! 'I "T5?.? enedmanhood; pimples on face; eyes Bunken of Detroit, eavs: "I know of no dieease 80 iniVfl and cheeka hollow; poor memory; careworn juriou-. to the'iiind, body and aotü of yoang VpM. SS i expression; Varlcocele; tired in mornuiK; lnen as that of g AbuRe_ x haTe 8ent manJ Ví A V'U hfelees; distrustful; Jack energy, strenKlh victims of this lustful habit to Drs. Kennedy sX.s ifwiv and ambition. Our New Method Treatment 4 Keran for treatment. I can heartily enV-V W -Ar-r3S- -rLo will positwly care yon. lt will make a man „„,.,. ,,,.., vv„. .ifl.lh„lt Tnilmenl which cured kvrrA ', sJ=5;.rT i i Hr , Va lf you and llfo T11 ?vea íiZ'íf iic id." f ss-nn. M' jCLT""H F ' " líí (is 'ocurevou. or -efu nd all money Mid. S5No _ „ j .. llT ■_ tï. Yhl'JfcidE" ffi! ( Aft names'used without written consent. $1,000 . A Doctor Ri.oxmcndslt.. 'I know nothmg I kït3Èr-=. - új'jj % ÏV; paid for anv case we take and cannot cure! m medical Bciencc so efficiënt for the cnwoï E I. 7kTB;SmB a"n. r 1 fvi ■ Syphii) and Sexual IHseasaaa the JVíw Mttliod A Ujr--aipB-gBJgrT !Vfif SNATCHED BROM THE ORAVEI which ,,,,; , ., ,.,i sror„s of phislcians IM f sn=z Al' X, tTjï i A Warning From the Living. were cnred In a f ew weekg. I have seen this fSy'mCj ="■ " JüK Emissions Cured. "At 15 I learned a bad ith my ov.u eyes ar,d km.wit to bea fact." 'lV--LTfj7f " jy X 'habit. Had Wes for seven yeare. Tried ' T. E. ALLIbON. M. D. ( "HM f f jOr I ■ onr doctors and nerve tonics by the score. Have you bron guilty? Has your H n II jfaCK n withoit benefit I became a nervous wreek. Blood been diseasfd? Are you weak? Do yon ï -= I Ij ln JcO y A f riend who had been en red by Drs. Kennedy desir' to be a vuin? Are rou contemplatinB Jf i J Jíl A Kergan of a similar disea--e, advised meto mar ■; -o? Our ' Treatment will ' tl " try them. I did so, and in two months was posi'.i.ely cure you. ' - es Guaranteed or No V Jj Ml - nositively cured. This was eight yearB ago. Pay! Consultation Froe! J nl p i I I am now married and have two healthy No matter who h treated yoa, write for an lt I ÍG] C children." C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw. Mich. honest opinión free of charge. Charges reas!LW &3LjJiP Varicocele Cured. " Varicocele, the result of onabl-. Books Fiee-"The Golden Monitor" i' Sir. eariy Tlce, made life miserable. I was weak Wlustratedï, on Dispares, of Men. Endoso and nervous, eyes sunken, bashfal in society, postage. - ceüta. oealea. bifoee treatment. Haïr thin, dreams and losses at night. no ís?"No ñames used without written consent. "Te, I have jast read the "Golden Monitor," bition. The "Golden Monitor" opened my Priva'.e. No medicine sent C. 0. D. No ñames edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, and knowing eyes. The New Method Treatment of Drs. on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidentheir high reputation I shall consult them a th Kennedy 4 Kergan cured me in a few weeks." tial. Question list for home treatment and I last retort."- A Victim. I. L. PETERSON, lonia, Mich. cost of treatment, Free. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 5HELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. j


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