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Notice to Creditors. ia: e of michtc, n , ors'Tr op :.tb an ui.t-r.,i chu r. .hal i m ■ ,■ i ■■-.v of vv aulitennw. rosne in -ii. .- , , ,. MaT allowpfl ;it..i ,..,. .,=. „ . ,,,lst "■'' ''' ": An.i i - i„i, „, " „ai Bonmy, dece&sed, aud tb&i da c edicon of said I are required to present tlieir claims to aiu Proijat Ihe r róbate Ulñce in the '■■ nt Ann A,rr for exiroinntion airi alD.viae. , on oi befure tlie -Isc J.iy ut November nest, and tbat aach claim wil! he heard before said C'ourt on the 2:st dar of Augn-t und ontheSht day of November neït, at tou o'clock ui the furcni'onof each of said rfays". D.itoJ, Auu Arúor, My21t. A. D 184 J. WILLARD BABB1TT, Judi'e of Pronnte. Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MI.I1IGAN. CODNTT OP 0 Washteuaw- bg. In the matter of the estáte of John Woodi, deceused. lotice ís hereby si ven. that in pursuam-e of :in order '-'rantert to the undersigned administratrlz of the estáte of said ieceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on ;tlie 2!ith Qayoi May. A. D. 1894, :i: in o'olock in the foreDoon ui thai day (subject to all cncumbraact-s by raortgage or otherwlse existin" at the time of tlie death of Paid docea-,ed 'the (ollowing described n-ai estáte, to-. Being all that part of the east half of the southeast quarter of seetlou number twentyi.-isrht (-'Si in lownship number two south of ranse uimi!)Ci -i iöi east, iyin north ot the Gedües Koad, also a part oí the west halt of the soutü-west cjuarter of seciion number twenty-seven in township two aforesaid. now City of Ann Arbor, vrhich said paruels of land are bouaded on the west by Forest Hill Oemetery, on the south by the Geddes ttoad and Iands of Mrs. Ann White aud Wm. Looker, and B.J. Conrad. on the east by Iands formerly owued by J. A . Scott and James Huddy, and on the north by the quarter line of section twenty-seven and twenty-elght in suid towuship, containinsc forty acres, more orless. also the following deseribed piece ot land commenciUi? at the south-eaat corner of the north-east quarter of sectlon twenty-eight aforesaid, running thence north on the east line of said section echteen rods. thence weet paralle! to the south quarter line of said setton fqrty rods, thence south eighteen rods to the saio south quarter line, thence east to the place of beginning and contaimng in all forty-four and one-half acres of laud more or leas, exccpt the following deseribed parcel, viz: Beginning at the north-east corner of Forest Hill Cemetery, runniug south along the east line of said cemetery forty rods, thence east sixteen rods, thence north parallel with flrst line forty rod , thence weBt sixteen rods to beginning, coutaining toor acres of land being on the east on-half of the south-east quarter of seolon number twentyeight town number two soutli ranse number six east. Dated May 27. 1S94. CAROLINE W00DMAN9EE, Administ atrtx. SherifFs Sale. 1VOTI0E is hereby niven that by virtue of a n writ of fieri facias. issued out of the circuit Court for tho couuty of Washt"n;iw in favor oí George Devine, against the goods and cliattels and real estáte of John Deviue in said county, to me directed and delivered, 1 did on the thirty-first day of May 1H levy upon and take all the rigrlit. title and interest of said Johu Devine, in aud to the follow n ■ deseribed real estáte, situated in the couuty of Washtenaw. State of Michigan, viz The soiith-west quarter of the north east Quarter of section number eisht. in town one south of range flve east; also the west quarter of the south-east quarter of said sectiou number eiïht in town number one south of runtre number flve east, all iu the township of Webster, county ot Washtenaw. State of Michigan. Also, the deseribed pieoc of lana, sitúate and being in the vlilageof Dexter, iatheiovrnshipof Soio, county ot Waahtenaw, Michigan, to-wlt : Lot number Sve(5l iu Mary J. Raywalt's addition to the vlll ige of Dexter, Michii.iu. ac:cordiiiK to the rcorded plat thereof. All of wliich I shaü exposé for eale at public auction or vendue, to the Invliegt bidder, at the south door ot th court House, in the city of Aun Arbor m safc] county, that being the place of hoSdiuK tae Circuit Court fot sant couaty ot Vi iafl ou Saturday. the 21st day of July, A. U .894, at 10 o'clock in the foretioon of that day Dated, thls 31st day of May A D H't MKJHAEL BEKN.VEtt, Sheriff. J. W. Be.vnett, Attornev for Plaintiff. MARTIN & FfSCHES PR()PaiKT '!fT1U3 WESTERN KKKVt'KKV, ANN ARBOK. Ml' Brewers of Pure Laa" B-m


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News