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COUNCIL CHAMBEK, I Au ahbor, July ü. 1SH4. f Recular session. Called to order by President Wines. I Eoll called. Present - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendioger, Wood, Siiyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, ïaylor, Prettyrnan and j Pi'es. Wines - 11. Absent- Aid. Wagner and Kitsen- 2, The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. FROxM THE BOARD OF REVIEW. The Board of Review for the City oí Ann Arbor respecrfully cali tie attention of the i Honorable Common Counoil of said City to the f act that the Dog Ta. as now aseessed and collected ie almost a total failure. We thereiore earnestly recommend the passage of an ordinance recmiring a License on Dogs to be collected by the City Clerfe, and ,that all dogs unlicenBed shall be destroyed. P. O'Hbarn, Chairman, .!n R. Miner, lst ward. Ere C)E8TEKLiN,2d ward. John J. Fisher, 3d ward. Gbo. H. Pond, 4th ward. T. SPEECHLET, 5th ward. E. H. ícott, 6th ward. .Retened to the Conimittee on ürdinanees. FROJl THE SCHWAKIAN AID SOCIETY. To the Honorable, t he Mayor and the Comnion Couneil of the City of Ann Arbor:- With porrow and regret we beg leave respectfully to withdraw our invitation to your Honorable Body to attend and assist in celebratinp Independence Day at Relief Park. We do not feel at liberty under the condit ons imposed by your Honorable Body to carry on and condnet exercisíís in the celebration oí' that memorable and eventful day within the limits of the City of Ann Ann Arbor. Respectfully submitted, John Koch, Christian Schi.knker, Fred Staeb, Gottlieb H. Wild, Lewis Kdrtz, Committee on Celebration of Independen :e Day by tlie Schwabian Aid Society. Received and flled. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Of Wm. Biggs and others, asking for a sidewalk grade to be established on Elm street frorn Geddes to Washtenaw Avenues. Referred to the City Engineer. REPORTS OF STANDING COJIMITTEES. KINANCE. To the Common Councü: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the follöwing bilis under consideration and recoinmend their allowance and warrantsordered drawn atsunis stated. CONTINGENT FÜND. W.J. Miller, 1 month's salary Í 66 66 T. A.Bogle. " " 25 00 P. O'Hearn, " " 83 34 Geo. H.Pond, " " 8 33 Marvin Davenport, janitor salarv 6 26 John R. Miner, board of review 9 days 18 00 Eugene Oesterlin, " 18 00 Jacob J. Fischer, " 18 00 Geo. H. Pond, " " " " 18 00 Thomas Speechly," " " " 18 00 Evart H. öcott, ' " 18 00 Mrs. Euhn, eleaning offices -.- 2 95 W. J. Miller, postage stamps and express charges - 3 75 Sid W. Millard, printing 1 75 Estáte of Hice A. Beal, printing pamphlets - 14 00 Clay A. Greene, rent - ï9 17 Geo. Wahr, supplies 14 30 J. A. Polhemus, use of team and wagonette - - 3 75 Moore & Wetmore, supplies 1 75 Schuh & Muehlijr, supplies 3 50 William Herz, supplies T 00 Anti Arbor Thomson-Houston Electric Co., street lierhting -.. 4P6 75 P. O'Hearn, supplies 2 00 Total $ 878 26 STREET FTJND. Ann Arbor Saving-s Banft, accounts a6siifned them as follows: Hiram Kittredge, gravel $ 47 75 Christian Larmie, labor .- 9 (0 Chris Koehm, labor 7 5U Hiram Kittredge, team-labor. 41 70 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank. -8 105 95 8 105 95 Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accounts assigued them as foHows: E. R. White, team-labor $ 8 70 JuliusNimz, labor. 9 00 James Wilcox, labor. 6 00 El mer Thomas, labor 7 50 Clinton Snyder, team labor... 26 00 Daniel Crawforá, team-labor.. 2190 Lawrence Hughe?, labor 7 50 Adolph Feinkneiner, labor 11 55 Barney Langer, labor 13 05 John MeAurthur, labor 9 00 Michael Preskorn, labor 26 80 Total $ 146 00 $146 00 State SaviDK6 Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Charles Winkle, labor $ 7 50 Michael Schneider, labor 4 5 Peter Carey, labor 6 00 Harry O'Grady, labor 17 40 John Burns, labor - 4 50 Total S 39 90 $ 39 90 Lewis Nowlan, labor 4 50 Alfred Parson, labor r 4 50 H. Bucholz, labor 13 50 Thomas Poland, labor ti 00 Daniel Crawford, team-labor 9 00 Fred Haarer, labor 3 0U John W. Brokaw, labor 8 25 Jas. H. Green, labor 10 50 Ernest Gutekunst, labor 18 00 Mat. Luippold, labor 27 00 Frederick Kadtke, labor 29 40 Charles Hasse, labor 4 50 Chas. Winkle, labor 10 50 Edward Barnett, labor 9 00 John Yanke, labor 4 50 August Boehnke, labor 10 50 Albert Glasenapp, labor 28 95 Chas. Glaser, labor 24 00 Patrick McCabe, labor 19 50 Frank Sutherland, labor 34 95 Antón Spies, labor 3 00 Charles Hintz, labor 4 50 William Darrow, labor 22 50 Charles Schrepper, labor - 1 5u August Molkenthin, labor 1 50 Barney Langer, labor 3 00 Ezra Bowen, labor 1 50 John Burng, labor 1 50 Albert Stellin, labor 1 50 Carlos Hill, labor 12 25 Harry O'Grady, labor 18 80 Willis Clark, labor 40 25 Orviile Sage, labor 3 t0 Jonathan Drake, labor 4 50 William Kratlow, labor 4 50 Gottlieb Fitikbeiner, labor ..- 4 50 Michael Williams, labor :4 50 Charles Stierle, labor 10 50 Louis Nowlan, labor .' 1 50 George Quintal, labor - 6 00 William Wheeler, horse-cart 17 50 Georgt Stevens, team-labor 24 00 Richard Burns, team labor. li 00 I'. I). Kojíers, team-labor 42 00 Clinton Snvder, team-laber 27 00 Thomas Hánnon, team-labor 1 50 George Schaible, team-labor - 9 00 Frank Howard, team-labor 9 00 Abraham Voorhee6, team-labor ii:i 00 Martin Nafrle, team-labor 25 00 Michael Hery, team-labor 15 00 George Weeks, team-labor :7 50 John MeHugh, team-labor 24 00 Schuh & Muehlig, supplies. i2 Dean &Co., supplies ti 55 Bsslinger Bros., blaeksmithiug ti ,..- Geo. W. Hoybold, blacKsmithing ln íh K. J. Rosera, supplies 18 02 Nelson Sutherland, salary 66 66 George F. Key, salary 60 00 C. Eberbach, supplies 5 8] Charles Stevens, 19 rods and 9íeet blank walk at the oid cemetery on Huronst 55 74 Grossman Je Sehlenker, supplies 5 87 Charlee Stevens, building walk n jk Charles Stevens, building walk :+; ffi James Tolbert, lumber ) ;m Total ïl";M0 55 rFMETERY i CND. Eli?, ■■nn'.y. labor $ tí 00 John ). i r. - r oo A. Hm:. or 3 00 üeo. u vi fes, .y loads gravel... 33 tal 4600; BÍUDGU, Cn.VERT AKD CBOSSWALK FUXD. Anu Arbor Savinjfs Bank. a,cconiiti nesiirtttjü thcin as followe. VictorSnong, labor ï 18 "j Geo Schlemnier. labor 13 50 Chris, I!" hm. labor 1,1 50 Hiiaru Kittrede, travel 40 50 riHim-i lawforil, teiiir.-labor 21 50 .John Iveitle, leam-lubor 6 00 Ann Axbor Sav. I!ank..$ 113 75 $ 113 75 The F rnrtTs'and Mechanics' Bank. pceouuis assinod thi'tn as follows: Lewls Nowlan. labor. $ 4 50 Barnev banger, labor lö 00 Adolpli FenKbèiner, labor-. - 9 oo John Burns.labor M 00 S. K Whit". team-labor 7 50 Daniel Cmwford, team-labor 2i 75 Charles Hatch, can V88 cover 4 75 Total $ 74 50 .$ 74 50 rétate Savlnzs Bank, account assisnied thein as follows: S. Kegun, Ubor 10 5i Peter Carey, labor 7 fiO .Iiilnis Keu ter. Jabor 9 (u Blmer Thomas, labor 3 oo August Herman, labor 9 00 Junn Burns, labor 150 Total - 40 50 $ 40 50 Charles Leonard, labor - (ui Edward Kobinson. labor 14 87 Campiou, l;ibor 6 00 Geo. Flowers, hiboi1 tt 00 Alfred Parsou, labor l 50 Geo. Leonard, labor-. --- H 00 John McAurtnur. labor 3 00 o. W. Kilts. team-labor 13 50 Aun Arbor SiIvideté. Bank, accounts assigned them as fnllows: S. R. Pike, b'id'g-cross-walks.i 85 55 Fred Lnebke, " - 28 05 Peter l'eterson, - 28 03 Christlan Larmie, labor 1 50 Total Í 123 05 ï 123 05 Joseph Glaser, labor. $ 18 00 Frauk Scbultz, labor - 22 50 Patrk-k McCabe. labor 4 50 Charles Glaser, labor 9 00 Albert Glasenapp, labor 7 61) August Boehnke. labor 0 0" John Yonke, labor 19 35 Edward Barnett, labor lö 50 Charles Winkle, labor 1 50 Charles Haase, labor 9 00 Fredeiick Kadtke, labor 6 00 Mat. Luppold, labor 6 00 Adolph Walters, labor 19 50 Krnest Gatekunst. labor 15 uO Gusta%'e Walters, labor 24 00 William Heroez. labor 3 T5 John Krumri, labor... 10 50 Oscar Sohrader, labor 15 00 William Kuehn, labor 33 93 Fred ülrich. labor -J' 40 Michael Kenny, labor 21 UO Herman Scheve, labor.. 12 UO William Brough, labor 7 50 Barney Morrison, labor 12 Ou August Hermanu, labor 9 00 Martin Adamscbank, labor 9 00 Joe. Hutzel. labor 36 40 PatriekO'Brian, labor 6 00 Fred Helber. labor - ti 75 John Holk, labor 12 00 Fred Stollsteimer, labor.. 4 06 Richard Zebbs, labor 9 Oí) Michael O' Mará, labor ti 00 Charles Hintz, labor... 15 00 Albert Schwinmin, labor 12 00 Jacob Mi.-helfelder, labor 13 ñ0 Kichard Burns, team labor.. 21 00 Zenug Sweet, team labor 18 00 William Wheeler, horse cart 27 50 John Kettle, team labor 3 00 Lawrence Hufrlies, labor... 12 U0 R. _'. Barney, crossing stones 236 49 O. E. Godírey. team labor 10 80 Edward Byeraft, 54 loads gravel 27 00 C. H. Thompson, repairing tar erossings 19 25 George Sweet, cement.. 180 00 Adam Frey, 42 loade paving stone 81 50 J. D. Smalley, draying 50 Charles Hewitt, cement intersection walk 6 65 Abraham Rosser, labor 125 Louis Ronde, cement and pipe 87 98 James Tol bert, lumber, eto 81 73 Jacob Miehelf eider, labor 13 50 Total -11654 :7 SEWER FUND. The Anu Arbor Organ Co., oak lumber $ 25 03 Charles Glaser, labor 150 C. Eoerbach, supplies 1W) Total - 27 50 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUKD Fred Sipley, salary i 60 00 C. A. Edward s, salary 50 00 Henry Mcl-aren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary 47 50 Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Eugene Williams, salary 40 00 John Kenny, salary. 6 00 Samuel McLaren, salary, 8 00 Wm. Rettich, salary 8 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 8 00 William L. Schnierle, salary 8 00 H .C. Ryau, salary 2 00 Mrs. B. Ream, washtng 7 00 William He-z, supplies 70 Allmendinger & Schneider, supplies.. 4 12 Mack & Schmid. sheeting 10 S5 Heinzmann & Laubengayer, oil cake meal -- 1 75 Fred Chapin, straw, hay and oats 48 29 D. J. Malloy, repairs on harness 2 40 Mrs. Backus, sewing 3 00 James E Harkins, supplies and repairing roof 40 94 G. R. Kelly, middlings and oats 7 80 Total ï 553 85 PÓLICE FT7ND P. S. Banfield, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50(10 Keuben Armbruster, salary 50 00 William Eldert 41 75 George Isbell 41 75 Wadhams, Ryan & Reule, five batsfor pólice 12 50 P. S. Banfield, expenses to Ypsilanti, 75 Cook & Eagle, horse hire 1 00 Total.... % 262 75 POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, salary $ 10 00 William Allaby, shos 2 25 F. Dunlavy, meat 33 Edward Duffy, groceries 10 :j4 John Eisele, groceries 3 43 Eberbach Drug Co., medicine 60 Mis. Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Goetz & Son, groceries K 11 John Goetz, Jr., groceriee 6 84 Goodyear & Co., medic'ne 3 05 William F. Lodholz, groceries 11 60 E. P, Mason, horse hire to Co. House,. 75 William H.McIntyre, groceries 14 04 O'Hara & Boyle, groceries 13 27 Caspar Rinsey, groceries 15 31 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries 18 48 W. F. Stimson, groceries ti 48 John Goetz, Jr., groeeries (by errorioi last month, not reported) 89 C. W. Vogel, rneat '. 35 Charles Zurn, meat 116 Total 8 127 28 WATER FUND. Ann Arbor Water Co., six months flre hydrants rentáis $2,815 CO RECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund t 878 26 Bewer Fund 27 50 Street Fund-. 1,340 56 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 1,654 37 Fire Fund 658 85 Pólice Fund 2ii2 7." Poor Fund 127 28 Water Fund 2,818 00 Cemetery fund 41! 00 Total ï 7,705 56 Respectfully submitted, Frank Wood, C. 11. Manlv, Finance Committee. rAccepted and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Tres. Wines- ïl. Nays - None. OKDIXANCE. Aid. Prettyman, leave having been granted, introduced an ordinance titled "An Ordinance Reiative to Licensing Dugs " EBP0RT8 OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Aid. Prettyman, chairman of the special committee on Salaries of the ttoard of Health, asked for further time, which was granted. REPOKTS FROM CITY OKFICERS. The inonthly reports of the City j Clerk, City Treasurer, Poor , tendent and Chief of Pólice were read and ordered filed. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the folio ving expenditures during the month of June-. Ist ward, $13.92; 2nd ward, $8.8; 3rd ward, $50.90; 4th ward, $14.86; óth ward, $32.97; 6th ward, $6. -55. Chief of Pólice Banfield reported twenty-two arrests during the month ! of June as follows: Drunk, 3; vagrant, 4; violating city ordlnanco, 13: larceny, 2. Chief of the Fire Department 1 ley reported that the water gauge at Engine House had registered f rom 60 ' to 70 pounds during the month. He also suggested that in case an alarm of fire is given during the sprinkling hours that the citizens immediately shut off the water which would niaterially aid the efficiency of the department. CITY ÏRKASUKEll'S KEPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING JUNE 30, 1894. Toihe Common Couneil of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as ver last report $22,229 Z5 MOXEV RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Interest. A.A.Ssvings Bank Cfvi.74 Contingent Fund- County Treas., Liuor tax 588 24 Pólice Fund- P.S. Banfield, fees 21.90 J. V. Bennett, fines 4.00 E.B. Pond, fines. 2.0-J Street Fund- N. Sutherland. 39.00 Í908.88 SO.SS $23,128 33 MONBY D1SBURSED. Contingent Funti $1,154 62 Street Fund 952.00 Firemen's Fund 557.24 Pólice Fund 183.26 Poor Pu nd 220.07 Sewer Fund 150.25 C'emetery Fund 36. Ü0 Bridge, Culvert and (Jrosswalk Fund 700.81 Soldiers' Relief Fund 25.00 Total $ o 979.1(5 3,979 16 $19,159 07 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 6,032,14 Street Fund $596.14 Firemen'sFund 1,826.85 Pólice Fund 1,061.11 PoorFund 249.11 Water Fnnd 2,608,40 Cemetery Fund 234.76 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 1,196.68 Cniversity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 144.39 Sewer Fund 1,152.09 Bridge, Culvert and Cros6walk Fund 5.094.73 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Total Í20.14S71 989.64 I.ess 989.64 Amount of outstandingorders 989.64 19,159.07 Total Treasurer's Balance $19,159.07 Respectfully submitted, Geo. H. Pond, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1894. Ann Arbor Savinss Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich., JulyS, 1894. f To the Common Council of theJCity of Ann Arbor: Dear Sirs- Thi8 will certiíy that Geo. H. Pond has on deposit to nis credit as City Treasurer, tne gum of Nineteen Thoueand, Two Hundred, Fifty-nine and 24-100 Dollars, 19,259.24). Your6 truly, CHAS. E. HISCOCK, CashierCOJIMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR. Ann Arbor, July 2, 1894. To the Honorable the Common Council: I have appointed the fqllowing Board of Building Inspectors, subject to your ap" proval: Henry Bliton.Chas. Tessmer, George Clarken. Signed, C. G. Darling, Mayor. On motion of Aid. Manly, the appointments of the Mayor were received and confirmed. MOTIONS AND EESO1.UTIONS. Aid. Manly moved that it be the sense of this Council that the Board of Public Works give the City Engineer an assistant engineer, to assist the Engineer in laying out the lateral sewers. Adopted by a unanimous vote. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved. That an expert Sewer Inspector be engaged who'with a committee consisting of the Mayor, President of the Council, Sewer Committee, and flve citizens ehall make an examination of the main sewer, report to this Council the condition of the same and the advieability of attaching lateralsthereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 11. Na vs - None. Pres. Wines appointed the following committee of citizens: II. S. Dean, N. W. Cheever, Edward Duffy, Geo. W. Bullis, Aretus Dunn. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the Clerk cause the Counril room carpet tobe taken up, clcaned and put down. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aids. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman and Pres. Wines- 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the sum 01' f147 58 be transl'erred from the Bridge, Uulvert and Crosswalk Fund and placecf to the credit of the Siwer Fund, for 76 pieces 24-inch, 32 pieces O.inch and 64 pie;es 15-inch sewer pipe, which has been used jn the construction of culverts. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Yays- None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be and are hereby lustructed noc to expend any more money upon the stteets, except for repair where absolutely necessary. Aid. Manly moved au amendment to also include the crosswalks. Adopted. The original resolution prevailed as amended. STKEEÏ GKADE KKSOLUTION. By Aid. Martin: Whereas, in the opinión oí the Council the grade on the center line of Fuller street oui-'ht to be changed and fixed and estab lished, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on and along the center line of Fuller street frora center of N. State 6treet to center of Detroit street be, ana ;be same is hereby changed, fixed and esiblished, so that the grade on and alons; tl." center line of street aforesaid ehall be af fóllows, that is to say : At the center of N. ule st 792.5'J ft At 50 ft west of the uenter of N. State st 791.50 ft At the corner of Sections 20, 21' 28, 2!t. .79B.T5 ft At tbe center of Elizabeth st 806.90 ft At 125 ft west of center of Eli.abeth st.813.26 ft At 175 ft west of center of Eli.abeth st.814.OÜ ft At 225 ft west of center of Eiizabeth st.814,00 ft At 305 ft west of center of Elizadeth st.811.50ft At the east line of Detroit st... 808.50 ft the elevation siven being above the official fity datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight Unes between the several points or 6tations above stated. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Pres. Wines-9. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Prettyman- 2. By Aid. Ferguson: BResolved, That the Mayor, President, Clerk, City Attorney. the Board of Aldermen and all the other Boards and. city officers go to Zukey Lake on Thursday morning, July 5th, on the 7:15 a. m. train, to spend the day and evening at the Keystone Club House, and any member that does not attend shall pay a forfeit of $2.00, which shall be paid to the City Clerk, Resolved, further, that the President appoint a committee of three on relresh mente lor the day. Adopted by a unanimous vote. The President aüpointed the following committee: Aid. Ferguson, Wood and Taylor. On motion, the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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