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Notice to Creditors. XTATI? OF MICHIGAN, POL'NTY OP Wusi i , iuit bv an order oi the l'fobiti ' Cvu I tor tl -í ' 'uuv of VVashteoaw, mua-b lM May A. II. 1SI4. six t-i'i .)';i i ut i)nt, wcre allowed for creditor tu p u 1 thei _rnint tbe i state of Aa Auhiu&ou, ..:. oí suid counu, deceastd, and that all l' editora of said deceated are requlred to nreseul their claiwa to naid Probate ('mirt, at the F róbate Ottiee in the eitv ot Ann A;K-, iï exiuutaution and allowtmce. on ui before tiie 2 ï s t day of November nezt, aud that sitcli cluhua ili le heard bcfore said C'ïurt on the 'J'st day oí August aod nthtj21st day of November next, at teti o'olock in the foi'eftoonof eai I ■[ d ';!■. Dated, Aun Arbor, Uy 21st. A. D. 1ÍU4. I. WILLARD HABIilTT, i udi.'e Of Pronate. Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COi'NTY OP VVashtenaw - ss. In the matter of the estáte of Jolin Woodma oseo, dscea sed. Notice is hereby glven, that in pursuance of au order ranted to the Qndersigned aiimlnistratrix of the estáte of aaid deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 29th day of May, A. D. l:u. at w o'clock in the forenoou of that day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwise exlstlng at the time of the death of said deeeased the followiDg described real r-iati-, to-wit: Koing all tiiat part of the eas1 half of the southeast quarter of Beotion aumber twentyelght(2Si in towDgbip number two south of range number 8lx (8) east, 1 iiiLr aorth of the Qeddes Road, also a part ot' the west half of the south-wesi quarter of sec don aumber twenty-seren la towilshlp two aforesald, now City of Ann Arbor, whlch said paruels of land are bounded on tin west by Porest Hill Cemetery, on the soutta by Geddea Road and lands of Mts. Aini white ntjcl Wm. Looker, anri B. J. Conrad. on the eas1 by lands lormerly owned by .T. A . Scotl and James Huddy, and on the aorth by the quarter lmeof section twenty-even and twenty-eight In said town-liip, containing forty aoree, more orless. also the following desoribed piece oi land rommenelng at the south-east ooroer of tlie north-east, quarter of sectlou twenty-elght ild, running t henee north on the eaal Une ot Bald Bection aighteen rods, thenoe west parallel to the south quarter Une of aatd aeotiou forty rods, thenoe soutb eighteen rods to the salo south quarter line, thence east to the place of beglnnlng and oontalnlng in all forty-four and one-hnlf acres of land. more except the Colion Ing desoribed parcel. vlz: Beginning at the north-east cornei of Forest Hill Cemetery, running south along the east line of said cemetery forty rods, thence east mixteen rods, thenoe north parallel with Hrst line fortj rod . thence west sixteen iods to beginning, oontaining four acres' of land being on theeast one-halfof ihe south-east quarter of secilon nnmber twentyeight town number two south range number st. east. DaiiMl May 27, ls4. CAROLINE W00DMAN8BE, Administ tatrtz. SherifFs Sale. 1VOTICE is hereby elven tliat by virtuo of a I wrltol Berl f aolas, Issuedout oitheUreuit Court tor the county of Wasbtenaw, in favor oí Qeorge Devine, agalnst the goods and chattels and real estáte ol .lolin Devine, [n sald county, to medirected and delivered, 1 did on the t liirty-li i si day of May 184, levy upon and take all the rlght, title and Interest of sald John Devine, In uwl to the following descrlbed real estáte, sil uated In tlie oounty of Waohtenaw, siat ,,i Michigan, viz.. The Bouth-west quarterol the northeast quuner of Beotlon number elght, in tdwh onesouthof range five east also the nortb-west quarter of the south-easi quarterol! -ui'i sectiou number eii.'ht in town number soutb of range number five eas1 , all in the townshlp ot Webster, oounty of Washtenaw, tnt( of Michigan. Also, tlie followinjr descrlbed pieee of lana, sitúate and beine lu the villageof Dexter, in theiownslnp of Scio, count] "i Washtenaw, Michigan, to-wlti l.ot aumber f in Mary J. Raywalt's addition to the villageof Dezter, Mlohlgan, accordlng to therecorded platthereof. All of whioh 1 shall exposefor sale at public auctlon or vendue, to the hisrliest bidder, at the BOUth door of the court House, m the oity "f Ann Arbor, m sald county, tliat the place of uu.ümlt the Circuit Oourt for said county ol Wishtenaw, on Baturday. the li-t day ot July, A. D, I8M, :t lu o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated. tlils 31s( day of May. A I. 184. MICHAEL BKKNNBK, Sheriff. ,T. W. Bennktt, Attoraev for Plaintiff. MARTIN & FISCHER r TUK WESTERN ISKKWiOKY, ANN A.RBOR. MlfH Brewers of Pure LaïerBspr


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News