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To Contractors and Builders. THE BUILDING COMMITTEBof the Board ot' Supervisors otT wihtenaw Countj )nVr for sale, ;.t a reasonable price, all the )rt)k(iü ;md unbroken stonefl in the countj itone yarci on the lürner oL Ashley and West nn streels. ïlie ïreater part of the stone i 51'Oken. and espeeially suited for srrouting aurposes. Theie are froni fourto six cords o -roken stone, and two to tlue of nnbroken ViHbesoldby the load, or otherwise, as de ired. Applv ro the Underslgned, local mem xt of the cömmittee, at the Akgüs office. BOBERT SHANNOF. Ann ABBOR. April 20. 18M4. tf Mortgage Sale. Default haring heen vuade in the coudition 5f a oertafn mortgage made by William Otto }f the Township of Northfield, County o Washtennwand State of Miohisan, to Bernarc Coyle of said township, county and 3tatP. aut Jated theseeoud day of November A. D. one chotisand eight hnndred and ninety-two, anc recorded In the office of the Kegisterof Deeds For the Oounty of Washtenaw and State o Michlsran, on the second dav of NovRmbe A. D. oue thousand eight hundred and ninety two, in Liber eisrhty of Mortgaea, on puae thrpe huudred and seventy-f.vo on whicl niortaBe there is claimed to be due at the lafi' of thiá notice the sura of the huudrei and thirty do'lars and Üfty-flv cents, and au itt rney'8 fee of twenty dollars provlded fo n said mortsaite. and no suit or proceedlng a,t law havin? been instltuted to recover the nnoneys seoured by said mortgase or any par thereof. Now, herefore, by virtue of thO power o sale eontained in said mortüage, and th statute in such case made and provided notice is hereby eiven that on Tuesday the uinth day of October, A. D one tbouaanc ei?ht ' hundrei and uinety-four, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public anction, to the hiphest bidder, at the iouth front door of the Court House, in the City o Ann Arbor, (that being the place where the circuit court for Washtenaw County i holden), the premises deseribed in sat mortírage, or so much thereof as mny b( neoessary to pay the amount due on sai' mortgage. with s x p r cent. intere t, and al legal cost8, together with an attorney' fee of twenty dollars OTvenatef for therein, the premlses be nz de erired in paid mortgaire as those eer tain pieces and pareéis of land sitúate in th Township ot' Northfield. ie the County o Washtenaw and Ptate of Mii'htean.and known and described as follows: ('ommencing north forty-twodegrees and ft f teen minutes west fourteen rods and twenty-one links from stakeseven links in front of the north-eas corner of the Whitmore Lake Hotel ocoupied in one thousanaTeight . liundred and sixty. by ,T. F. Avery: thence north forty-two deirree aiulflf teen minutes west, four rods: thene south, forty-spven degreesand forty-fivemin utes west. èight rods: thence south. forty-tw degrees andflfteen minutes east, four rods thence north, torty-seven degrees and forty five minutes east, eight rods to the place o begïnninï. Also a piece of land described as tollows fVmnieneinir at the northeast corner of th land above described. thence running soutf easterly on the southwest side of the highwa four rods; thence north-easterly at righ angles with the above described boundary line twenty rods: thence north-westerly parallel with said first boundary line four rods; thence twenty rods to the place of beginning. BERN'ARD COYLE, THOS D. KEARNEY, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgasee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News