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Stiffing Disease Germs

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One of the functions of brimstone - in this world - is to preserve human life by destroying disease germs. The janitress of the 4th ward school building knew this and Friday night set some of it going in the building to choke up the lungs of possible scarlet fever germs which might be lingering in the upper rooms. It was after dark and the Gehennial fires leaping high above the pots of brimstone, suggested to a passer by the imminent danger of an addition to his taxes, for a new I schoolhouse; and cracking the lash to his beast, he sped to the engine house. The boys and machines were at the school building imraediately, when the janitress came forward and expressed her entire confidence in her own ability to control the fire. The department, including the short-lipped bulldog, tendered her a vote of confidence and returned to headquarters.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News