Death Of H. D. Bennett
The many friends of H. D. Bennett were much touched by the news received yesterday, that their old friend and fellow citizen had died in Pasadena, Cal., June 29. Sonie weeks ago it was learned that he was seriously ill, and therefore the tidings of nis death did not come unexpected, but none the less was the shock feit. Henry D. Bennett was born in Stephenton, Renssellaer county, New York, March 12, 1818. In his sixteenth year he commenced to teach school. In the fall of 1843 he moved to Michigan, settling in Ann Arbor, where he was in the mercantile business until 1851, when he was appointed postmaster. This office he filled eight years. In 1869 he was appointed secretary and steward of the University of Michigan, filling the office for thirteen years. In the year 1886 he moved to Pasadena, California, where he has resided since. He leaves a widow and one son, Henry S. Bennett. The deceased was a staunch democrat in politics, an upright business man, and very arniable in disposition, making life-long friends of all who came in contact with him in business or socially. Few, if any,, men had more friends than Mr. Bennett. They are not alone confined to Ann Arbor, but thousands of former students scattered throughout the world will feel the loss of Mr. Bennett.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Henry S. Bennett
Henry D. Bennett