Roman Standards
In the Roman army there was a very bighly developed system of military ensigns, which, just as ainong modern nations, were regarded not merely as a rallyiiig point for a given body of men, but as an emblem of the state, and wer thercfore swrrounded with a veneratioa which degenerated into idolatry. From a tactical point of view, the Roman staudards were of more importauce than tlie flag at the present day, for the inovements of the troops were entirely regnlated by them. According as they were raised and carried furward, plaiited in the ground or turned toward the rear, iu obedience to the sounds of the homs of the "corïicincs, " the army broke up its camp and marched or retreated and halted. In the camp the standards were planted before the general's tent, whure their presence sam;tifi(_d tlie spot as though it were atemple andreudered it a safe depository for the booty collected by the legión. It was to the standards the soldiers swore allegianoe, and the first step of a pretender who s)Uf;J!t to beoome emperor was co seize the standards, as he thereby secured the fidelity of the legión.-
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News