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Harper's Pictorial History

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.im- ■- Jij büying a War Pook. GET iie is a complete history, written with access to the Official Hecords aiid not one consisting of brief accounts of detached e,vents. GET one written in popular style'for the people ty authors of ackuowledged literary ability and not one full of military technicalities undt-rstood only by military meu. GET illústratfd by artists of national reputation, who were on the spot when the events occurred. GET ''- ].-tges at rice others charge for 16 pages. GET ini wifli paes 1 6 -V X 111 instead of mu-h smal K-r. Ir costa no more. Ü OF THE 3 II fff 11 7 i 'ïïlk 3 CAVALRY CHARGE AT COLD HARBOE. Eac! nu-t 82 pages. Every pag 16 X lli inch.83. Over 1000 illustr itïóns published iu Hurper' Weekly duriag the war. Tjie complete rext as j_ü'"lïslie! by & Bros., written by Alfred ÍÍ. Guernsey and Henry M. AldeD, editora ■ Harper'a Monthly, assisSed Richard Grant White, President Garfield, (ï'eu'l Josejih Johnston and otl:ers, WÍth acceos to the official records. Illustrated b_ Nást, BAorbe?, Ey tinge and others. 26 Parts Oilij. E ACH PART 10 CENTS. 1 No. 2. July 17, 1894-. 1 G ia! Argüs Coüpoi}. 1 Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War. ImI SïgflSF PAPT TT Ü6 I II IV JriLKi xr. : i Tliis Coupou aad 1O ceuts ; :ï tl es you to oue Part. Briag or ; 3 senil to j ïl Ann Arbor Argüs, I ; ; Ana Arbor. Miei. 3 ' Opera House Bloei.


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