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Ypsilanti Atliletic Ássociation has buomed up to "u. Postuiastei Carpenier will worshjp at Hass lake, duriug the dog days. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Firter. of Saline, died last Thursday. aged 86 years. Mrs. L. U. Urake, of Saline, Las enteredon the receipt of a $12 pension. The small boy at Manchester slumps down on a dry goods box and sighs lor a circus. The bain oí .Take Koch, of Lima, burned with its conteuts, Monday of last week. The cherry season closed at Saline, without a broken boue. This breaks the record. "Notice that dignified air, when you meet Alex. Barker. "-Saline Observer. Bet $10 its a boy or a girl. Mrs. William Minette, of Saline. died Saturday of last weck, aged 89 years. She was a native of England. The potato erop around Chelsea will be light. Not èvery fellow can potatofarm it as successfully as the mayor of Detroit. The meteor which the Times alleges killed a colt near Ypsilauti, is still uafound. Did anyone think to look in the colt?" Trof. Thomas F. Moran, of Manchester, has a hot weather job by the hair, in Minnesota - a four weeks' summer school. Huckleberries and massassaugas are ripe at North Lake. Both crops are reported uuusually plump and fine, this season. If' the delinquent Milanese neglects to pay his Corporation taxthis week, it will be the duty of the collector to "jump his collar." A hay-fork pulley last week ill naturedlv niuped off a flnger that was the personal property of a little child of Henry Seitz, of Saline. The threshing engine of Peppiatt & Colyer, of Augusta, opened the season last week, by going through a bridge and beingditched. Otto Dnrbach, of Dexter. as the result of a fall trom a bain loft, is in bed with several broken ribs and other injuries, and may not recover. To the Ypsüanti Commercial it does not look as though the nevv school building will become a "tannery" tuis year, tlie work progresses so slowly. James Smalley, of Ypsilanti, staiids attainted of 810 worth of slander, as adjudged in justice court. Smalley quarrel.s with the decisión and appeals. In some tields of oats in the county the stalks are thickly covered with a species of green louse. The Coxey arrny did not leave Washtenaw soon enough. Tlie cases of Capt. Woodruff against the meiiibers of his company, for failure to report, under general orders, during the strike, have beeu adjourned till August 3. York part of Milán village has 572 inhabitants and Milán píirt 402, makMir a total population of 974, is si iinin of 55 owr the census of 1890. - AI il. ui Leader-. "Bijax," the Ypsilanti horse, was drawn aftel' tlie third heat. being lame in tlie knee. Those who bet on him have since been afflicted with prolapsus pocket-book. In the strife to produce exhibits for the Chelsea fair the eradle and the grave are both represented. One lady ö8 years of age is busily employed in turning out needlewoik. Saline has more culture, beauty, business, religión and lawns, and less politics, typhoid fever, summer colic and railroad connections than any other village of its size in the county. It bas leaked out that Hackman Kobison, of Manchester, has rubbed his vehighcle with a new coat of paiut. This will créate some excitement as soon as it becomes generally known. Albert Carpenter, of Dexter township, in a fit of abstraction reaioved some personal property trom the house K. II. Wheeler, and is elected without buil t" a roasting in the circuit court. Ilayden's tile factory at Milán has begun furnishing 12-inch tile. The joints are 13 inches long and weih 40 pounds The Leader states that they are the largest tile made in southern Michigan. Where straw is put over potatoes when planted the ground is novv moist and the potatoes line, while those planted the old way are dry to the bottom of the hills.- Xorth Lake Cor. Dexter Leader. Deputy Sheriff McCabe last week gathered in eight DexterSunday night hilarity makers, and Justiee Stannard forced a contribution of one dollar each from tbem, for the benefit of the local literary bureau. The V. C. T. U., of Chelsea, petition the council to put its foot on the billiard business and refuse a license or permit a billiard hall to be operated in the McKune block. Now what will the council do about it? The first impresson that Ypsilanti, in deepening a city water well, liad punched a hole in an underground lake, is dissipated by the failure of the additional water supply and our twin sister may become more dissipated than ever. Hebron Fellows has received notice from the pension department that his claim has been re-examined and they are convinced he is entitled to his present rate of $8 per month. - Manchester Enterprise. Hebron is one of the lucky Fellows. Again Smith, of the Milan Leader, announces the receipt of wedding cake. Likes to tantalize his brother editors with notices like that. Al! right. Let him go on. First thing he knows a tape worm will be kicking around in his stomach. Complaint is maáe of the filth-catcliing propensities of the pond weeds at Manchester. Since Neptune has placed his ban on the submarine lawn mower, why not turn a herd of carp into the pond? They would undertorush it in a season or two. A'party of unknowns who for some time have lurked on the shore of Cavanaugh lake, ha%'ing organized a base ball nine, suddenly burst through the brush uponJChelsea last week and were lieked 31 to 11 At twilight they took to the brush again and have never been seen since. '■Suudit.v observKcce has struck Ann Arbor and Ypsilatiti," remarks the Milan Leader. Tuis gre;it strike oceiirred years and years ago Ann Arbor Wheu wiU it strike M i 1 a i V tliou Philistiiie! ïhere is a storm hi the sim that is big euougb to wrap ïtself linee times aiound t lie earth ml have 11.000 miles left to belt the palid uiooii.-Che.lsea Herald. "Deed! One would almost suppose a kind of Rieh-Pingree campaigu to be going on upttiere. Rawsouville has a society of "Will: ing Workers," and by report the mem, bera are worthy of the uaiae, and do i not while "the old lady" is slaving ! over the washtub in the woodshed, sit 1 in the parlor, playing on the piano and singing "Who Will Care for Mother I Nowv" Yery large turtles with long tungus ; on their backs iuhabit the upper pond at Manchester, and squatting nlly on the bottom much resem blè , the old "turtles" on the shore, who ! oppose public improvemeiits. Ut these however, there are not many, but the ; parasitic growth on their shells is fine. j At North Lake, fish are being niurdered with dynaiiiite and their rotting corpses, giviug lorth an udor that torce Ceylou's spic-y breezes to a back seat, are loud proclaiiiiera of the wanton disregard of the rish law. The deputy game and rish wardeus cannot do better tliau to go "spearing" at iS'orth Lake. The Argus should pay us a visit; possibly Ue would go back cured of bis pontical blindness. - Ypsilantian. Tbe Argus has no uolitical blindness, henee it is oL uo use to cure it. But aduiitting the need, and tne willinguess oí the Ypsilantian to do the praying, ie is wntteu: "Tne prayer of tne wicked is an aborniuation unto tiae Lord." It was fouud ou the trial of Brown & Kichardsou, at Ypsilanti, tor keeping their saloon open Sunday, that Brown was oierely repairiug his beerpump or bungstarter, or somethiwg, and lüe jury said that was lawtul,- otnerwise they would have been ouliged to stand around and spit cotton Mouday inorniug till the repairs were maüe. "If you want to have your olfactories tiekleu by the odor of svveet siiieilmy ttowers,"' observes the Manchester ulerprise, "visie the residence of H. tj. Kose' If the líoses shouldn't be at home, vibit tlie pond and get a whiff oí tüe suonianue browsethat shows up trom tüe sballows and salutes the noatxils with seventeeu separate and' distinct suielis. The colored boys of Ypsilanti have orgamzed a base ball cluo. Ooucernnig tuis, we have nothing to say, - u is one ot the consututiouai urivileges coiiteireü on tho Atro-Aaiencan race by the auiendments. But wnen they meet an Ann Arbor club and "uaiiup the wüey" out oí theui, as tliey uid the other day, tlie Argus object, it j "aiu't coiistitutionai.' The Ypsilanti Commercial statès tliat J . A. liauer, au M. O. couduciox, ! llaving suft'ertjd severely trom neuralgia lur two years, h;is had a doctor I siasn a gaan aeróos üia toreuead, over ; tlie rigliL e)e, severiiig the uerve tliat assailed lus piety. .Nu neuralgia since. In Liie helgbi ot argument, Uunng the campaign uow on, ihere will unuotibtedly be more neuralgia cures. lt is the feelmg at ïpsilanti that stiould anotüer contingent oí' Die (Joxey gang strike the city, its inembers will not gei off as easily as did the tiist. (Jertaiüiy they ought not. its leautrs shuuld be tied to trees, and there, helpiess and half naked, be coinpelitd 10 listen to a recital of the poeLuo ot jb. h'. Johnstone, oí blessed uiewur, - "goiie but not forgotten." Justice Cnilds, of Ypsilauti, bas started 111 badly, uy ■coddling" to the leiiüiie rights ïuea. He tined a colored uiitn 91. ÖM, tlie 'other day, lor au alleged assault and uattery on a coloree! belle at the fair ground dance. ít appBítl'S tliat all in the wond he did was to siuash her with his hst; yetthatgirl liad inipudeutiy retused to dauce Wltü bun. ean't a ooiored man defend his lionor, uu howv The customary farmers1 picnic at VVamplers will ïall due August '. It wiil be a day wheu the tarmer wilt let care drop iroin nia shouiders like a bag of fall pippins and turn himself loose lor a day oí recreation and rattlesnake stories. Rev. öhier Will be.there, loaded with a sciiularly epic touching black bass. A regular lound of spons and other exercises is provided tor in the '"progrum." In Lima, south of Uexter, last week, a son ot Thomas McOoy, by the breaking of a graiu rack was thrown from the top or the load between the horses, and he was a mighty busy boy for a wlnle, dodging wiieels atid heeis, but escaped uuhurt, thus saving bis parents the bother and loss by a funeral in a hurried time of the year. The runaway team was caught by Johnuy iiratt, whomadea "sliue Kelley,slide ' trom the top of the stack and seized the bits. The norse that hauls the Milan sprinkler soured on his job last week, and tlie bits having been removed to give hiui a drink, he sprang forward, t4irued a corner, upset the sprinkler and knocked two men out of a passing buggy. The sprinkler had to be repaired, so of couise the horse took a vacation for the rest of the day, and as he was led away üe winked to the crowd, which was as much as to say, 'I kuow my business." The religious feeling in Dexter is not what it ought to be, nor what it would be, if the shade trees were trimmed high euougb to let a deacou pass along the street without having the thongs of his umbrella jabbed through the crown of his plug hat. No churchman, bigh or low, can be the best representative of the pure and peaceable fruits of righteousuess, whosu silk tile looks as thoiigb it had been summerfallowed with an "A" drag. A representative of the Law and Order League of Ypsilanti says in the last Ypsilantian couceruing the liquor traffic: -'We arein danger of growing weary in well-doing, and resting on our arms. There is a large class of people that are enthusiasticspirrts, but get out of breath before they reach the lopofthe hill." It is said that the "melt" swells with sudden exertion, and that if you cut the melt out of a dog and sew him up properly, he could run forever and never get out of breath. Try it on the Law and Order League and heaven bless the effort! People who went picking cherries and eanie home with braken anatomy, can now uo huckleberrylng and eom home with the sting of a serpent ftuating in their niemory. It ia said, however, there is no danger if an antidote ol suffieient dimensions is taken along. -Manchester Enterprise. It is underI stood that Lor this season the jugs will hold four quarts each, with a pockettlask reintorcement. Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, accordj iogto the Times, has a checker-board ] and chess plate in the jury room. It I adds: '"When be gets a 'little more used to the business iie will probably furnish it with brasa knuckles, lead I pipes and sand bags." A special bedj cord dispatch to the Argus mentions also a sideboard lunch counter and taitret ranpe as among the eontemplated comforts for juryuien. No Child's play about the squire. Not to be outdone by the Saline minister who has invented a beatiug apparatus. Rev. E. W. Ryau, of "ïpsilanti, has brought out a coinbination device consisting of a table and goblets for individual cups and bread trays for communion service. The goblets are so made as to admit of convenieut use bv those in a kneeling posture. There is no doubt of the desirability of individual eups, and the proposèd departure is in the nature of a sensible reform. According to the Dexter Leader from twelve to fifty male "snips" wait for the girls around the churches in the evemng till services are over, "the majority waiting to catch on; the iemainder to see it done." Strange that any young lady will aüow herself to be grabbed in that way, by some spiderlegged dude, who in the distress of fashion is obliged to jump up to spit over nis shirt collar, and at the sanie time is too mean to enter church, for fear of the contribu tion box.. Sixty-seveu hundred square feet of cement walk have been laid in Saline this season and the run on the treai ury has been terriffic. By an offer of the village couucil, those who lay cement walk, receive a liberal per cent. of rebate from the corporate treasury. The schéme "took" and the surplus in the treasury was exhausted asquickasa hound pup could lick a skillet. If other cement walks are built tbis season the builders must wait till another tax levy, for their rebate. It is reported that C'ount Eabitpotpi and his dirty herd of tramps, who rtcently camped near Ypsilanti, masquerading as labor out ot employment, have struck a job at Cleveland - in the stoneyard. From every heart that beats in unisón with philanthropy, there wel Is up a diapasón of "amens." Let there be more Coxey tramps in more stone yards. Honest labor out of work is to be pitied; but toward organized vaggery let the tongue of murcy be dumb and the hand of eharity closed. Jacob Dresser, of Manchester, stumbled against a barbed wire fence one day last week and slashed a savare gash in one hand. At the slght of blood he wilted like a wet disli rag and la) on the ground an hour while tbe sii:i blistered his nose and the ants ii wied down the back of his neck. linally got home severely wounded and weak from loss of blood. And still there are men who are denying their families ice creatn and new bibles,to save money for a barbed wire fence. It is learned by the Dexter Leader, that the English sparrow pseks out the eyesof the 17-year locust and thus aids in the destruction of an insect whose sting is often fatal. It is not strange that with a 3-cent bounty on the sparrow lie should seek, by r'raud and false pretense to bolster up his reputation aod turn away the bullet of the air gun. But the English sparrow is a lying rascal. In the first place the 17year locust is a perfectly harmless bird, 'to man and to crops. Secondly, the sparrow never tliinks of pecking out the eyes of anything except some other bird and his pretense that he destroys the locust is as false as that vvhich he set up for himself as a worm and bug eater. ''Shoot" the lying! English Sparrow!


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News