Schairer & Millen
BUS Y STORE O F LETTING DOWN PRICES FOR THE IMONTH OF AUCUST We want to sell a lot of Summer Ooods and will make prices to close tliem out. 25 pieces White India Linen and Plaid Muslins, closing out at 5c a yard. One lot 15c Black and Blue Dresg Mulls, closing out at 5c a yard. 50 pieces fine 10c Dress Lawns, closing out at 5c a yard. 15 pieces 10c Wash Crepés, closing out at 5c a yd. Rubber Dress Shields, closing out at 5c a pair. Stevens wide Linen Toweling, elosing out at 5c a yard. 50 pieces best 7c Prints, closing out at 5c a yard. Closing out 50c and 75c Shirt Waists for 39c each. Closing out $1 and $1.25 Shirt Waists for 75c each. Closing Fine Lawn Wrappers for 75c each. Ladies' W rappers, light and dark colors, closing out at 58c each. KAYSERS PATENT FINGER-TIPPEO SILK GLOVES, In Black, Tan, Brown and Slates, at 75c a pair. Every pair guaranteed. HOUSE-KEEPERS, READ THE BARGAINS. 10 doz. Chenelle Table Covers, worth $1.25, now 69c each. 100 Large White Bed Spreads closing out at 69c each. 50 pairs White and Gray Blankets now 59c a pair. 25 Large Colored Bed Spreads, a bargain at 98c each. 200 Window Shades complete, ready to hang, at 19c each. 50 doz. Large Huck Linen Towels at 12Lc each. Closing out one lot Lace Curtains at 69c a pair. Closing out 28 pairs Lace Curtains at $1.19 a pair. Closing out 19 pairs Lace Curtaina at $1.29 a pair. Big Mark-down on all our Fine Lace and Chenille Curtains to close out dnring this month. mm i mui. L
Ann Arbor Argus
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