The Rich Machine And How It Was Worked At Saline
Saline, Mtcli.. Aug. 1, 1894 Pingrees's letter to the republicans of Michigan exposing the methods of the state house ring, calis to ray mind the game as it was worked here. The leaders of the republican party here (in fact they are the party) agreed to send a good republican to Grand Rapids. All was well so far until an employee of the Auditor's office at Lansing wrote to the party here asking that he be sent as a delégate from Saline to Grand Rapids. The party wrote him that they had their man picked out and he was aire dy on the ground. That would'nt do the Rich machine so some employee was sent post haste from Lansing to to attend the caucus and succeded in having himself elected as one of the delegates to the county convention, and thus the managers of the party in Saline had to swallow their promise already made and consent to the selection of a man as delégate who has not had a residence in the township for over 15 months. How humiliating it must have been to the great republican party of Saline to be obliged to do as their boss bid them. The ffravel train is iust ing up.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News